What if

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Harry's POV
It had been a rough day. I'm just getting back to Gryffinfor tower after finding out that Cho is going to the Yule Ball with Cedric. I've had a small crush on her ever since I played against her in quidditch last year. I decided to get over her as I told the fat lady the password. If she's not interested in me why should I waste my time? I wasn't expecting the scene of the common room as I walked in. My best friend was distraught on the couch while Ginny was trying to comfort him. She was quite unsuccessful I could tell she was trying to suppress a giggle. Fred and George were beginning to leave to the dormitories. They weren't quite as good at hiding their laughter. I walked over to Ron and Ginny and asked what was going on.
"He's asked Fleur Delacour to the ball." Said Ginny.
I almost chuckled as I imagined this happening but immediately thought better of it.
"She's part veela. Her grandmother was one. You were right." I thought this would make him feel better.
"This is mad. We're the only two boys in school without dates! I think I'll go to bed and deal with it tomorrow."Ron said.
"It's 6:00." Ginny said slightly amused but Ron was already getting up. "I'm going to dinner then." She concluded as she walked out the door. I was Bout to go back Ron when I remembered that I have the same issue as him. Neville had suggested that I go with Parvati I barely know the girl but she seemed to be my only option. I sat down and thought about how I would ask her. But my mind drifted to the earlier events. The way Ginny looked away and smiled then tucked her ginger hair behind her ear. 2 years ago she would blush if I even looked at her. Then I realized what I was doing. Ginny? Could I really like my best friends baby sister? But she's far from a baby now. So what the hell I'll ask her to the ball. I ran out of the common room and down the hall until I caught up to her. She was laughing to herself. It wasn't an annoying giggle like most of the other girls at hogwarts but rather loud and genuine. I found myself nervous to talk to her but I reminded myself that she's still the same Ginny that makes fun of Ron and me when we eat to fast and spill on ourselves. So I walked up to her.
"Hey Gin might if i join u for dinner tonight?" I said used the nickname that I've heard her many brothers use.
"Sure Harry." She said sounding confident. We walked to the great hall and sat down. We talked as we ate Ginny told stories about her classes. As she did I noticed that she is a lot tougher and smarter than I assumed. Though I should have guessed being the youngest of 6 brothers she must have picked up a thing or two. But the oddest thing was that when Cho walked by us and waved I didn't let my eyed lingerie to admire her beauty. I simply waved back. After we ate I asked her to go for a walk outside.
Ginny's POV
Harry and I made our way out of the castle. It was funny we've never really talked this much before. Sure we talked to groups or said something to each other quickly but today we are having a real conversation. My past self would probably faint. I was so star struck by him that I forgot he was a real person. We walked to the lake and sat on a rock watching the giant squid tentacles break the surface every now and then. Our conversation had taken a turn to the funnier side. We were laughing like idiots when I casually rested my head on his shoulder. At first it felt comfortable and natural just like the rest of our conversation had been. But then he tenses up. I brought my head up a looked at him. He was looking to the side blushing very tense and avoiding eye contact. Was that awkward ?Did I ruin the beginning of our friendship?
"What's wrong?"I said.
"Oh nothing nothing it's just when u ...it's nothing." He said shaking. So I playful grabbed his chin trying to lighten the mood and gently pulled it to face me.
"Come on Har..."
He suddenly closed the gap between us. The kiss was soft and sweet and needy. His lips mended perfectly with mine.

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