I was so distracted that I didn't even notice the six Black Pegasus guards coming my way. I slowly eased up the reigns and let the coach come to a stop.

"Princess Leona we are sorry but you shouldn't be out here." the guard stated.

"I have a previous engagement for my wedding and I couldn't cancel it. I know what's going on I'm sure my mother will be back when she is ready." I replied.

"We have been ordered by the king to check everything and that means you as well. I know you say you have business but if you don't mind me asking? If it is just you why do you need the coach attached?" the guard questioned.

"Well I actually planned to do some shopping and I don't appreciate what your insinuating." I bit out.

"I apologize but I'm going to have my men check your coach if you don't mind." he informed me as he gestured at two of the guards beside him.

The two guards begin to walk toward the coach and I knew that I had to think fast. "Really two guards to check an empty coach?"

I said it loud enough knowing they would both hear me and hope they had a plan. I slowly moved my hand under the lip of the seat. I watched as the roots of the trees slowly snaked towards the guards legs.

"I don't know why my mother left but I think my brother should wait to my father gets back. I think they can handle their own issues without their kids butting in." I replied.

"I mean no disrespect but if I didn't check you and Farah is with you the king won't be happy." the guard responded. He shuffled a little nervously and I could see the fear in all of their eyes.

The guards walked over to the coach and opened the door and their bodies instantly dropped.

"What the fucks is going on?" The guard yelled. The other four guards tried to move but tree roots held them in place.

Phaedra and Orva hopped out of the coach and walked over to me. "What the hell are we going to do now?" Phaedra yelled.

"We can't let them go if we do they will get back to Julius and we won't have a chance. We need sometime to get far enough away."Orva replied.

"What did you do to the two on the ground?" I questioned.

"I used one of my sleeping flowers it will keep them knocked out. It will have them knocked out for twenty four hours but were can we hide the bodies?" Orva answered.

"I have an idea just knock the others out." I said hopping of the coach bench.

Orva walked over to each of the guards and let a huge flower blow some mist in their face.

"Are you crazy Queen Phaedra has to go back right now." the guard spat. He tried to break free from the roots but couldn't and Orva finally got to him.

"Your all going to regret this the king will not be happy." He said as his body hit the ground.

"Okay now what?" Phaedra replied.

I maneuvered my roots to tightly grip around the bodies of the guards and begin to move them. It took sometime because I hadn't used my gifts as much as I should. I moved each guard into a corner and then let the roots wrap fully around their bodies. I made sure to leave gap for them to breathe and made leaves spring up around them. A large bush covered them as if it had always been there no one would see them.

"I didn't know you could do all that." Orva stated in shock.

"You have watched her and Yuri spar before you didn't notice that she always holds back." Phaedra shrugged.

"How did you know that?" I asked in shock. I didn't think anyone could tell I would hold back but I did. It was like I didn't know how to turly fight him without hurting his ego or something.

"It's pretty obvious it's just the way things are in this stupid world of ours. I thought for so long I wanted to be a wife and queen that was it. I wanted all the things that came with but now I realize how foolish I was. Being a queen means nothing unless you have your king that's how it's always been. And those women that try to make a change or break the mole never get far." She seethed.

"That's not true look at Adlyn I know you don't like each other but she is different. She is trying and making a change and I want to see it." I replied.

"There is no way we can go to Crimson Rose City Adlyn would never accept me. I did horrible things to her." Phaedra responded.

"You guys don't like each other over a damn guy I think you can move past that." I huffed.

"It's more then that I did so much more." Phaedra whispered.

"What the hell is she talking about?" I questioned.

"We orchestrated the attack by Edison and then I created the wedding basket that put her in a coma." Orva answered.

"You did all of that you caused all of that shit how could you?" I screamed.

"I was stupid and selfish all I could think about was what I needed. And what my mother and our city needed but now I realize I was wrong. Don't you see I lost Penelope that was my karma all of that was what I deserved." She screamed back as tears fell from her eyes.

I stormed over to her and slapped her so hard it seemed to echo around us. I stepped away from her and she cupped her now bright red face. "You did something fucked up and I don't know if Adlyn can or will forgive you. But no one deserves to have their child taken from them like that. The only place we can go is Crimson Rose city think about it. My father and now Julius have a hell of a lot of connection too many and that's no good. If we go into a city where he has eyes they will find us in a heartbeat and I don't want that. The last place he would think we would go is to Adlyn so that means we should."

Orva and Phaedra said nothing for a long time they kind of just stared at each other.

"As much as I hate this Leona is right we have to go Phaedra we don't have many options."Orva stated agreeing with me.

"I guess I don't have a choice let's hurry before we run into more guards." she replied.

They got back in the coach and a resumed my spot on the bench and, we headed toward Crimson Rose city.


Stay tuned so much more to come!

Rise Of The Demon Queen (Book 2) #wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now