Once her eyes accustomed to the darkness within, they were drawn to a dirtied and dim light that bounced and twinkled against the grimed ceramic tiles set at the furthest end of the vault, a light that suggested steps to a further subterranean crypt. It was just as the plans had said and the lantern light emitting from within suggested that someone was working down there already.

She pulled the vaults metal gate to and wasted no time stepping silently across the leaf littered marbled floor of the vault. Her step was light and agile,  the slightest of touches glancing  the greased grime of the tiles as she ran her finger tips along the wall as she went. With a ragged breath she descended, disappearing into the foreboding darkness below.


Twist upon turn through the network of tunnels she went. The countless passageways and catacombs that branched away like veins that nestled under the capitals skin reminded her to be cautious, one wrong turn and she'd be hopelessly lost. Instinctively, she followed the distant soft hue of lantern light that progressively  got brighter as she continued  suggesting she was indeed on the right track.

Eventually, her journey brought her to a gentle recess where the tunnel opened up into a large vaulted ceilinged room before her. The gentle warm flicker from several oil lanterns provided just enough light to see that the room was stacked high with long wooden crates, each one painted with the blighters insignia proudly on its side.

Evie peered cautiously in, the sight of a lone Templar sat writing at a desk, apparently oblivious to her presence pulled a confident smile upon her lips, 'one Templar? This will be easier than I first thought' she mused silently to herself.

"Good evening Miss Frye" The voice growled somewhat knowingly from the desk. The deep and gravelly voice cut through the silence and echoed menacingly within the closed cavernous walls.

Evie took a swift step back disappearing into the shadows once again, her breath hitching and her eyes closing in quick realisation of who it was sat working before her. Crawford Starrick

"Oh come now Miss Frye...... Aren't we a little too old to play hide come seek?" The Grandmaster asked coldly. Evie cautiously peered from the shadows, she noted his eyes never lifted from the paper he'd been working from, he spoke as if some animal instinct told him she was there.

She sighed quietly before she straightened and stepped from the shadows and into the flicker of the lantern light

"Ahhh there you are" he hummed condescendingly as his cold greying eyes finally lifted and fixed onto the female assassin. "I can't say I'm surprised to see you here Miss Frye, in fact after Phillips finally admitted his little faux pas of allowing my plans to fall into your hands, I'm a little surprised you didn't come sooner"

His lips tugged into the slightest suggestion of a self gratified smile.

"Finally admitted his faux pas?" She scoffed at his confidence "I can imagine the means of persuasion you used Starrick"

He took a deepened breath in, seemingly relishing in Evie's disgust as he recalled the chemists demise to himself "hmmm, it's a shame that business partnership had to end so abruptly Miss Frye....Phillips would have been greatly beneficial to the funding of the order. Accidents truly are a tragedy when they happen  aren't they?" He sneered smugly as he slowly opened the top drawer of his desk, his willowy fingers dipping inside and slowly placing an ornate gold and silver revolver upon the desks surface before him. "Sadly we had to let Mr Phillips.......go"

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