I sighed looking outside at the view, just then heard boys outside the room, shouting and banging at the door, which I didn't notice Alex locked quickly when she heard them approaching here

"what in the world? let me see" Gemma walked towards the door

"no way!! Wait for the ceremony to begin, you'll see the bride" Gemma peaked outside the door and answered from inside and I laughed

"but I'm the witness from bride's side, let me come in" Louis protested and everyone bursted into laughter

"well!! I know your tricks tommo, but only tommo can come inside, we're going to groom together" Gemma let Louis come inside and she went with Liam and Niall to Harry's

"hi ladies" Louis laughed sheepishly as he walked inside in suit folding his hands behind

"You're really clever" Alex laughed putting on her stilettos as Louis scrunched his nose at her

"You look breathtakingly beautiful" Louis said walking towards me as he greeted me with hug

"Thank you Louis" I smiled at him, I noticed he looked much better and fresh than the night before

"As much as I'm dedicated to this duty, I'm a best friend too,..just one picture" Louis took out his phone as he smiled sheepishly at me

"Oh let him wait" I winked at him and he raised his eyebrows at me as

"so!! You're saying, you can wait to see how's your groom looking" he said as he scrolled through his phone, and I opened my mouth to say something but I couldn't protest against him

"stop bribing my friend tommo, now go back" Alex frowned at Louis and he only looked at me

"well!! She can wait till ceremony, right Jas!" Sophie said

"Actually I can't wait to see him either, but I don't want to kill the charm of seeing him in person" I said and Louis smiled at me

"I agree with you, he should wait too" Louis winked at me. Just then Hoor dashed inside

"The car is here, are you ready to go?"

"Yes! We're coming" Alex told her and we went outside to sit in the limo and everyone took drinks except for me during the ride. just then I got a text, from Briana;
"I wish I could be there, I'm not well, but my best wishes are with you, many many hearty congratulations on your big day"
I replied;
"Thank you so much Briana, and get well soon"

"hey! What happened? Your face just got dull at once! Is it your Mom?" Alex asked

"No! I wish,.. it's Briana, she is not well, she won't make it to the wedding" I answered

"well its great, less the merrier" she laughed and I flared my nostrils and I noticed Louis he was adjusting his tie and seemed unsettled

"Stupid AC isn't working" he muttered under his breath. When we reached there Louis got out of the car and opened the door for me to hold my hand, I held his arm tightly also holding bouquet in my hand, as Alex let the veil fall on my face.

When I noticed the huge crowd of people, family, friends and celebrities, everyone was there, I started shivering nervously

"Hey! It's okay, you'll be fine when you see Harry" Louis whispered as he escorted me through the aisle towards the stage, where harry was standing, my heart was thumping in my ears thinking about how everything will be changed in just a day, absence of parents hit me harder, but when I looked at Louis he was smiling at me

Truly Sincere [Part 1]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ