A Flawed Plan

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Laura POV

The next morning I got up really early. I put on my calico dress and my shoes and brushed my hair. Picking up my tablet and pencil, I began to write.

Dear Pa, I had a wonderful day with you yesterday! I'm writing this letter because I don't want you to worry when you wake up and find me gone. I'm taking a trip. I did something terrible and I have to make it right. I love you all very much.
Your daughter,

I set my tablet on the mantle above the fireplace. I took a bag, packed some sandwiches, and quietly left the house. I went to the barn and saddled up my horse, Bunny. I climbed on her and began riding away from my house. At about noon I stopped. I sat in the grass and pulled out one of my sandwiches. I walked over to the stream and drunk some water, then I put my bag of sandwiches back in the saddle bag and got on. I rode for what seemed like a lifetime before coming into a town. It was sleepy eye.

Plum creek soon after Laura got up, Charles POV:

"Girls, come on down, it's time to get ready for school."

"Laura isn't here. She must already be up." Mary called down.

"Now that's what I like to see, a girl getting up early to do her chores." I reached up to the mantle to get my pipe and I saw Laura's writing tablet with a note on it.

Dear Pa, I had a wonderful day with you yesterday! I'm writing this letter because I don't want you to worry when you wake up and find me gone. I'm taking a trip. I did something terrible by having mean thoughts and I have to make it right. I love you all very much.
Your daughter,

"Mary, come take a look at this." She took the tablet and read it. "What mean thoughts? The child doesn't have a mean bone in her body! What is she talking about Mary?"

"I-I.." She had tears in her eyes. "Well, back when, when it happened."

"What is it Mary?"

"She refused to pray for Charles because she thought you loved him more than her."

"I'll go get Edwards. We're gonna head towards sleepy eye, it's the nearest town past Walnut Grove. Caroline, pack us some lanterns and sandwiches." I ran outside and jumped on my horse. When I got to town, I told Edwards to saddle up a horse. We rode back to my place and got the stuff. I kissed Caroline.

"We will find her."

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