"Who are these from?" William asked pointing to the three presents left next to the opened ones.

"There from Anne" I answered, recognising the packages that she had sent over.

William nodded as he grabbed them to open.

"I'll call Anne and you can thank her for them" I said as he looked amazed at the toys and the couple of books Anne had got him.

I grabbed my phone from my pocket and dialled Anne's number.

"April!" Anne cheered happily through the phone.

"Hey Anne. William wanted to thank you for his presents" I said and passed the phone to William who happily spoke to Anne, like he always does.

Anne now and then calls and they have chats, I didn't want her to miss out on her grand child's life, even know Harry is missing out on his child's. Anne has seen pictures of him that I send but I've never gone out there for her to see him in person. She always says I should but I've been to scared to. I liked the little bubble I live in with William. Where no one from my old life is involved. I liked it so much that I'm scared to step out of it.

I got snapped out my thoughts when I heard the door bell go. I looked at William who was still having a conversation with Anne before looking at the door confused. I don't know anyone around here, I didn't make friends, I didn't want to. I didn't even invite anyone round. That means it could probably be one of the boys but I don't know why they would come round now.

I got from my sitting position on the floor and walked towards the door. I slowly opened it but to my surprise no one was standing there. I looked around but still saw no one, not even a car. Who would knock and run away? Especially in this village, everyone is very kept to themselves. I went to closer the door when something on the floor caught my eye. I looked down and there on my door step was a package with a card on top with my name on it. I looked around one more time before taking it inside and shutting the door. I stood in the hallway and opened the card first.

My dearest April,

We've found you and believe me when I say we're not coming for you. No we don't want you. That would be to easy and I want this revenge to hurt. We're coming after the thing that you love the most, your son, William.

Wish him a Happy Birthday from me.

- Peter Styles

Peter Styles? Who's that? I didn't know there was another Styles apart from Harry?

I opened the package and saw all it was, was a teddy bear. However when I looked closer I saw one of the eyes looked weird. They put a camera in it. I shoved the teddy back in the package and left it on the table in the hallway, not wanting William to see it or for it to be in my house.

The card annoyed me so much I was starting to feel like my old self again and I don't know if right now that was good or not. I clenched my fists as I walked into the living room, seeing William still smiling and on the phone to Anne. I unclenched my fists and started to think more. They've been watching me for longer than I thought. They knew when William's birthday was and knew I had a child. They were going to go after him to get revenge on me for what? I don't know yet but I will find it out. I didn't want them to hurt William. But I cant protect him with who I am now. For I want him to be safe I have to do the one thing I've been scared to do for six years. I have to go back to who I use to be and go back to the life that I hated so much.

"William honey can I talk to Anne please?" I asked as I walked towards him. He nodded saying bye to Anne before the phone was placed back at my ear.

"April?" Anne asked confused why I cut her conversation with William short. "Is everything ok?"

"Me and William are coming to see you. We'll be there by tomorrow."

"What, why? I mean that's great and everything but I thought-" She started but I interrupted her.

"Anne, they've found me and I need your help"


duh duh duhhhh.......................

I haven't had that much inspiration for writing lately so I'm sorry I haven't uploaded a lot but I hope you like this chapter because I feel like I lot more will happen soon, However it will still be slow updates because I have work and I'm just finishing redecorating my room so slow updates sorry guys.

love you all




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