Kiss Me One Last Time

Start from the beginning

"Please?" He asked, prolonging the 'e.'

"Fine." You sighed. Maybe he was right. Maybe you needed this. To get out. Maybe you'd meet someone who peaked your interest, although you weren't really looking for a relationship at the moment.

"Yes!" He did a mini cheer and you rolled your eyes playfully.

"Come on, let's back to work." You shushed. You silently prayed that things would go well tonight and you'd have a good time.


There was a knock at your apartment door and you instantly knew who it was considering he had to call and get your permission to enter the building. Slipping on your shoes, you walked over and opened the door to reveal Aidan. "Ready to go?" He asked.

"As ready as I'll ever be." You shrugged.

"You say that as if something bad's gonna happen." He nudged you with his elbow as the two of you started walking to the lift.

You didn't really reply until you were in the lift and going down to the first floor. "I'm not sure. I mean, I'm glad I'm finally going out, it's just I don't know if I'm ready to see him."

The two of you exited the lift and made your way to the Uber that was already waiting for you. "Look," Aidan began, "I know you guys didn't end on good terms, but you said yourself that you weren't going to let him have that kind of effect on you."

"You're right." You looked down at your hands in your lap. "I know what I said. At the same time I know what I'm like." You sighed. You gave your head a light shake as if to clear it and looked back at Aidan. "You know what? I'm gonna to go to this party, and I'm gonna to have a damn good time. Screw Jared."

"That's the spirit." He smiled and held his hand up for a high five. You laughed before slapping his hand and turning to look out the window at the lights flashing by. You weren't going to let Jared ruin your night.

Arriving at the party, you hopped out and could already hear the music coming from inside. The two of you headed up to the front door and just walked in. Aidan and Shannon were pretty close so Aidan practically lived here anyway.

"Congrats, you managed to get (Y/N) here." You heard a voice say. You turned your head and saw Shannon. You immediately smiled and pulled him in for a hug. You hadn't seen Shannon since you and Jared split, and you felt kind of bad. You had formed a pretty close friendship with him as well, but you didn't want to put him in a situation where he felt he had to choose between the two of you.

"How could I turn down seeing you? How've you been?" You asked as you pulled away.

"Pretty good. Missing my best friend," he said as he poked you, "but pretty good. And you two?" He asked, looking between you and Aidan.

"Working on new music." Aidan spoke up. "Say, is Laura here?" He asked while looking around.

"Ooh, does someone have the hots for a certain model?" You teased as you looked back at him.

"Maybe." He mumbled with a small grin on his face.

You and Shannon stared at him for a moment before he sighed. "Ok, yes? Are you happy now?"

"She's in the kitchen." Shannon nodded in that direction while laughing.

"Thanks. Wish me luck?" He asked, looking at you.

"You don't need it." You winked.

He gave a nervous smile before nodding to you two and walking towards the kitchen. You were happy he had found someone. It had been years since his last relationship and she had cheated on him. Since then he had developed trust issues when it came to relationships, so him finally showing interest was a great sign.

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