Albus Potter and the Time Turner

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"I hope you realize that this is all your fault" Rose told Scorpius with a scowl.

"W-what are you kidding me?" Scorpius spluttered furiously. "You're the one who came up with the fantastic idea to sneak into the potions classroom and steal ingredients for a potion that would make you fly, your on the bloody quidditch team you fly everyday!"

"Yeah but how cool would it be to fly without a broom? Besides it's not like I forced you to come with me, and we wouldn't have gotten caught if you hadn't tripped!"

"I came with you so you didn't do anything even more stupid then you were already doing and YOU pushed ME!"

"As much as I love hearing you guys argue can one of you please help me?!" Albus cried as he tried to shove a blast ended skrewt into a cage while simultaneously trying to avoid its hazardous stinger.

"Oh yeah sorry mate" Scorpius said as he jumped over and helped him wrestle the creature down before hitting the latch on the cage, effectively locking it.

"Is that it?" Rose huffed as she pushed the last cage over towards the wall. "I'm gonna go get some water" she continued as she made her way into Hagrid's hut.

"This is the worst detention ever" Scorpius growled as he rubbed a angry looking welt on his forearm.

"I dunno mate, I thought you would be happy to spend more time with the love of your life" Albus said with a smirk.

"Sod off Al, I doubt Rose and I could go two seconds with out trying to kill each other, never mind a whole date."

Albus feigned a look of surprise. "Oh you thought I meant Rose? I was talking about me! See I've always thought we had a bit of a connection you and I" he said with a goofy wink. Scorpius let out a laugh and opened his mouth to say something when a shout came from inside Hagrid's hut.

"Guys get in here!"

"I swear if it's a blast ended skrewt that got in the house then she's on her own" Albus mumbled as they made their way down the dusty dirt path to Hagrid's.

"Guys look what I found when I was dropped a picture of mum, dad and uncle Harry" Rose said, holding up a charcoal black box with gold engravings etched into the side. "I saw it in the back of the fireplace and the fireplace was on, that must mean there's something special about it now help me open it!" Scorpius rolled his eyes.

"Did you ever stop to think that maybe there was a reason why it was hidden by fire and that we shouldn't touch it as it could potentially kill us?"

"Oh come on Scorp don't be such a downer! Our parent's had a ton of adventures Al, this could be ours" Rose said, trying to persuade Albus. He shrugged

"I guess it could be cool."

"Well excuse me for not wanting as all to be slowly and painfully ripped to shreds by a magical beast that could come out of that box" Scorpius said scowling again. "I mean this is Hagrid we're talking about, it's not entirely out of the question."

"He does have a point"

"Shut up Al." Rose huffed. "Fine I'll just do it myself" she said as she continued to try to wrench the box open.

"Rose just give up it's not going to wo- ROSE" Albus cried along with Scorpius as the box let lose a wave of light that sent Rose flying into a nearby bookshelf.

"Bloody hell" Scorpius said with a worried look on his face as he rushed over to help an annoyed but okay looking Rose up. Albus smirked as he carefully picked up the box, those two fight all the time but he knew they had each other's backs in the end, Scorpius's worry was just one of the many forms of proof that had presented itself over the past couple of years. Suddenly a gold colored needle popped out of the top of the lid, nearly giving Albus a heart attack.

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