Chapter Twelve - 'One way or another.'

Start from the beginning

‘Draco...’ Hermione muttered, pulling back from his lips. Draco looked at her, smiling slightly as she touched his lips very lightly. Hermione lifted her eyes to look at him, ‘I want to go on that boat ride with you.’

Draco raised his eyebrows, ‘really? I can change the date if you want...’

Draco knew that changing the date would be very expensive and he had no idea if there even was another date. Hermione just shook her head and licked her lips.

‘I want to go this weekend,’ Hermione said quietly, looking at him, ‘and I’m sure my parents will take care of Rose for me if I ask them to.’

‘Are you sure?’ Draco asked.

‘Very sure. I need this,’ Hermione nodded and then leaned forwards so that their lips were barely touching, ‘I need you.’

Draco swore he could feel her blush as their lips met in a passionate, non breaking kiss.


‘Mummy! Dway-co stole my toast!’ Rose yelled, half laughing as Draco looked as though he was guilty and returned her toast to the plate. 

‘Shh!’ Draco held up one finger to his lips as Hermione turned around from the stove, looking amused. She held a spatula as she flipped an omelette over so that Draco would have something to eat at lunch or after he dropped off Rose, if he was hungry then.

‘He did! I saw it!’ Rose explained to Hermione, looking at the toast that had returned onto her plate and then at Draco with wide eyes as though afraid her mother wouldn’t believe her, ‘Dway-co!’

‘What?’ Draco pretended to look confused and he looked at the apple in his hands, ‘I have my own breakfast.’

Rose looked at Hermione with even wider eyes, ‘Mummy!’

‘Draco, stop pestering my daughter!’ Hermione pretended to shout at him, threatening him with the spatula and raising her eyebrows.

‘Mummy,’ Rose repeated with a different tone: a less whiny tone. She frowned at her mother and then leaned forwards to take Draco’s free hand, ‘Mummy, don’t shout. Dway-co is nice.’

Draco chuckled and smiled at Rose, ‘I’m sorry for taking your toast, Rosie.’

‘It’s okay,’ Rose gave him a huge smile as Hermione rolled her eyes and turned back to tend to the omelette. Rose nibbled on her toast in silence for a while as Draco stared unashamedly at Hermione’s bum as she moved about the kitchen. When Rose had finished her toast, she looked up and announced, ‘I don’t want to go to school with Michael, Mummy.’

Hermione paused with her hand dangerously close to the oven and then she flinched away. Familiar frown lines appeared on her face and she killed the gas before washing her hands and drying them. She walked over to Rose, glancing at Draco who gave her a supportive smile. Hermione leaned down and smiled at Rose, kissing her forehead.

‘Draco will take you to school today, sweetie,’ Hermione said, looking at Draco.

‘Oh, yes, I will,’ Draco grinned as Rose looked at him, ‘and I’ll buy you sweeties every morning.’

‘No, you won’t,’ Hermione shook her head but Draco only looked at Rose and nodded with a huge grin, making her giggle. Hermione rolled her eyes and then looked at Rose, ‘listen to me, Rosie.’

Rose turned all of her attention to Hermione.

‘You are not to go anywhere with Michael ever again, okay? He’s not like Draco, he’s not a nice man,’ Hermione said, looking at her daughter, ‘Draco is a nice man, you can go with him. You leave school with Draco or with me, do you understand?’

‘Yes, Mummy,’ Rose nodded and smiled when Hermione kissed her cheek.

‘Good girl. I’ll see you tonight, love,’ Hermione stood up straight again and then looked at Draco, ‘will you see me out?’

‘Of course,’ Draco got to his feet, leaving the apple on the table. He looked at Rose and raised his eyebrows jokingly, ‘don’t you dare touch my apple, Rosie.’

Rose giggled and reached for her juice as she watched Draco and Hermione walk out of the kitchen together.

Draco leaned against the wall, crossing his arms over his chest, as he watched Hermione put on her jacket, scarf, shoes, and get her bag. She smiled at Draco when he followed her to the front door, opening it for her before she got there.

‘Thank you so much for this,’ Hermione said, looking honest and then leaned up to peck his lips, ‘I don’t know how I’ll ever repay you.’

‘I don’t know, sex works,’ Draco shrugged and Hermione paused with her lips against his.

‘All in due time. Be patient,’ Hermione chuckled and pulled back to smile at him, ‘I’ll see you tonight?’

‘Yeah, I’ll be right here,’ Draco said, reaching back to pat her bum just to see her blush furiously.

Hermione did exactly that and then shook her head slightly before leaving after a glance at Draco. Draco smiled and watched her go before he closed the door and went back to Rose in the kitchen who had finished eating and got her school stuff. Rose pulled on her jacket and held her bag out for him to take.

‘You have to hold my bag. Mummy does,’ Rose explained and giggled when Draco took the bag with his thumb and forefinger, wrinkling his nose as though he smelled something rotten.

‘But it’s so pink and girly,’ Draco said, looking at the bag. He then smiled and held his other hand out for Rose, ‘come on, let me take you to school.’

‘Can we really buy sweeties?’ Rose asked, looking up at him with those big brown eyes as they walked out of the front door and Draco locked it behind him.

‘Yeah but you can’t tell your mum,’ Draco chuckled.

‘So, she’s got you on her short leash now?’

Draco frowned slightly as he pocketed the key and then turned around, recognising the familiar voice. His eyes met Michael’s who was just leaving for work, looking quite dishevelled as though he had hardly slept at all. His eyes were bloodshot and staring at Rose as she shrank back into Draco’s leg.

‘You better watch your back,’ Draco muttered, not wanting to fight because he didn’t want Rose to witness any more fights.

Michael just rolled his eyes and muttered something incomprehensible under his breath before walking away. Rose peeked out from behind Draco’s legs and watched him walk away as Draco glared into his back. Draco managed to smooth out his features and he took Rose’s hand, leading her down the hallway after Michael was out of sight.

‘Don’t you worry, Rose,’ Draco said, smiling down at her, ‘I’ll buy you as many sweets as you want... without your mum killing me first.’

They walked on together, chatting about what sweets they would buy, but Draco’s mind stayed on Michael. He promised himself he would get him back for hurting Hermione and Rose.

One way or another.


A/N - Yeah, okay, before I start getting people shouting at me for not updating in forever. Guys, I am so sorry but it's my last year at school and I'm learning to drive and I've got things to do to apply for University. I'm just so busy but I do try. 

Last Lesson in Love - (Sequel to Tutoring A Malfoy)Where stories live. Discover now