And that only made it harder for him to open up the topic about his frustration of not knowing a thing from his past back then because he thought it was ridiculous for warriors to carry such burdens and wallow over it while they could've been wasting their time fighting bad guys rather than crying over something that's far behind.

Thus, it had shocked Po when Tigress openly listened to his woes on their boat ride to the city of fireworks. It was dark, barely even past midnight, and she appeared saying that the mast was not a worthy opponent. Offering to spar with the panda and he thinks for a split second, whether or not it was out of the goodness of her ironheart, or she just grew tired of punching all the Ironwood trees behind Jade Palace and needed a fluffy giant furball of a panda as a punching bag for a change.

Po decided it could be both. Because she helped him by then. So many times had she aided him to sort himself out, even the sole moment where she lent him an ear was more than enough to lessen the burden off his chest. From the time they escaped the castle to the prison where they argued, she assisted him, hugged him even. Saying that 'the hardcore do understand... ', that she does understand, so solemnly that he was both surprised and ashamed of himself for doubting the master's compassion. For once, something made him feel weird, warm and fuzzy on the inside and it wasn't even food to begin with. So when the tiger caught the bullet that was supposedly for him, he felt as if the world had suddenly stood still, that time was nothing more but an eternally halted notion along with the defeaning sounds his pounding chest made. Nothing made sense and he was stuck in the middle of nowhere. All of them were hurt, bloodied and damaged upon the explosion and he tried to avoid thinking of the possible worst case scenario for the one who took more than half the damage everyone did. He could've admired the bravery his favorite master had proven -never once failing to put him in awe- had he been rational enough to stay even remotely calm on the inside. But he couldn't, he desperately wadded through the waters and debris in search for his friend. Friend.

Would he be worried this much over a friend? Of course he would be.

Would it have felt that relieving and strange to hold paw-by-paw with a friend? He couldn't give the thought that much time as his head was more than content enough to process the fact that Tigress was safe. A bit broken and injured in some places, but safe. He found himself squeezing her paw as his jade eyes took in her exhausted and pained form before deciding that he needs to make Shen pay for this much damage he caused. So with a mind made up, he gently pushed the debris his comrade held onto in order to save her from further harm as he took on the peacock.

After their confrontation, he found himself in the water once again, pondering over the same thoughts concerning one Kung Fu master, when said Tigress reached out one paw to help him out, bent over from where she stood on the wooden planks of the pier. He could feel his world brighten up a bit from the tiny smile that she wore over her dirtied face, took her offer and hoisted himself up and back on land where his friends awaited him. Maybe he was too overwhelmed by then, seeing them all safe and sound -he liked to use this same excuse whenever this specific memory would resurface inside his head- not a single head lost in battle so he found himself with his arms wrapped tightly around Tigress. Po felt her freeze in surprise and he recalled himself feeling the same way back in Gongmen City when it was her ever so steady and reliable arms wrapped around him, it was pleasant and the fuzzy feeling of belonging somewhere was back. Crane's beak dropped and it made a clacking sound as it made contact on the wooden planks they stood over and he suddenly felt self-conscious and was snapped out of his little short-lived heaven.

Wait, what? Heaven? In his friend's arms? In a split second, he retrieved his arms from where they once were, albeit with a feeling of slight dismay at the sudden lost of the warm sensation in his belly and he couldn't have helped the slight blush that had spread over his chubby cheeks even if he wanted to so he resorted into hugging everyone else instead- so as to save himself from awkwardness and humiliation.

Masters Of Chi - A Kung Fu Panda FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now