"How?" asked Mikayla.

"We need to get you an entourage."

Mikayla could feel Daxton's annoyance. She was sure he was rolling his eyes. "The last thing she needs is an entourage."

Cameron chuckled. "Okay so, that's putting it nicely. What she needs is a group of beefy men to be her bodyguards."

Daxton snorted. "We can do without."

Cameron laughed. "What's wrong big brother? Worried Mikayla would find someone better?" Mikayla stiffened along with Daxton. She wasn't sure what to make of Cameron's sneering words. Daxton didn't seem to be taking them well. Mikayla tried not to read too much into Daxton's reaction. Sure, they'd kissed and cuddled a lot but, they had never solidified anything between them. Mikayla was certain there was something bubbling at the surface but, it needed nurturing and time to grow. They never discussed that possibility.

"Cameron's right," muttered Daxton solemnly.

Mikayla's head short towards him quickly. "I need to be around beefy men?" she asked incredulously.

Daxton chuckled. "Hell no. But he is right, you need a security team. I know it isn't the ideal situation, but I'll feel better knowing that you're protected when going to work. We can't have a repeat of this afternoon."

"I don't want a repeat of this afternoon but, I'm also not sure about being surrounded by a group of unknown men all the time. It seems invasive."

Daxton sighed heavily. "We have no other option at this point Mikayla. It isn't permanent. It's just until the excitement of you dies down."

She nodded with a frown. She understood it but, she wasn't happy about it. "Do you regret this yet?" asked Cameron.

His question caught Mikayla off guard. She wasn't sure how to respond to that. His question was valid. Surely any other sane person would have left quicker than the wind as soon as the photographers arrived. Yet, she had stayed, and she was still making plans to stay. She wasn't sure why. She wasn't gaining anything from the experience except a headache. Cameron was the one who benefitted from their ruse. Mikayla just garnered a reputation – whether good or bad was left to be seen.

Mikayla lifted her head up towards where Cameron sat. She opened her mouth, prepared to give him some kind of answer, when the doorbell rang. Loudly and repeatedly.

"What the hell," muttered Daxton as he rose to his feet. Mikayla heard him shuffle to the front door. The ringing had grown in urgency and Mikayla feared what lay on the other side of the door. The door opened and Mikayla heard Daxton mutter, "What the." The rest of his words were cut off by a shrill.

"Mickey!" A body scuttered across the floor and soon thin arms were wrapped around her shoulders. Mikayla sagged against her best friend. Annabelle shook them from side to side as they hugged tightly. Mikayla could feel a carrier hit her leg as they moved.

"Annie B, what are you doing here?" asked Mikayla when they pulled apart.

"I've um, come to visit. For a few days."

Her words were quick, and Mikayla frowned. "What's going on Annie B? Something is wrong?"

Annabella snorted. "Nonsense. Now, Sofia is asleep so I'm going to go put her down in your room." Before Mikayla could object, Annabelle had left in a sudden flurry, one just as quick as when she first entered.

"That was weird," she muttered.

"Oh good, you thought so too," said Cameron cheerfully. "What do you suppose is happening?"

Mikayla shrugged just as the doorbell rang again. "What now?" groaned Daxton. She heard him open the door again and then he said loudly, "Nick, what are you doing here?"

"I need a place to crash." He stepped further into the room and paused at the entrance of the living room. "Hi Mikayla. I forgot you lived here now." Mikayla could hear him attempt politeness, but he appeared bothered by her appearance. It baffled her further.

"So, are you going to tell-" Daxton's words were cut off by a shriek.

"No!" yelled Annabelle from somewhere atop the staircase. "You are not coming here. I am coming here where my best friend is and, you aren't."

"Daxton is my best friend!" yelled Nick in return.

"You can't do this. I left to get away from you."

"Well tough. I'm staying put!" To solidify his words, Nick fell dramatically into the nearest seat.

Mikayla's mouth was agape.

"What the hell is going on?" demanded Daxton, taking the words right out of Mikayla's mouth. 


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