The new beginning

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          When I got off the bus I had a horrible feeling. I slowly walked inside and there was blood everywhere. I couldn't breathe it was as if someone was squeezing my neck I fell to the floor sobbing. When I got to my feet I was a bright orange paper I slowly started reading it, 'As you can see someone has been murdered. But don't worry it isn't your brother, it is your father. Your father has kept some secrets from us that could have cost us everything. But he has taken something very dear to us and if you want the rest of your family back you need to get us it. Call this number and we will tell you exactly what to do. 784-4589 If you want your family back you will call this number you have until 5:30 to call this number or they will die.' I looked at the clock and it was 5:15 so I had 15 minutes left to decide what to do I grabbed my phone and took a picture of it and then put the number in my phone. Then I went upstairs and grabbed a backpack and put a picture of me, my mother, and Jack along with 60$ and a charger and a flashlight. I went back downstairs and it was 5:26, so I decided to call the number. "Hello, this is Emily you told me to call this number on the orange paper." "Good choice Emily. Now I assume you can drive there is a car key in the drawer to the left of the oven and the car is in your garage. I assume you want to know what you have to retrieve all you have to do at the moment is going to California Sacramento and go to a Star buck there and call this number again. So you might need gas money there is 500$ in the drawer to the right of the oven. Go there and then call this number. Okay?" "Okay," I said with as much courage as I could. Then the lady on the other end hung up. I grabbed the keys and the money and mom's emergency debit card and hopped in the car and left. I lived in Florida and I had to drive a long way. Luckily the car seemed kind of knew it was a Red Chevy Silverado. I started driving and I called Jack's phone just to see if he would answer. The same lady on the other phone answered. "You get five minutes to talk to Jack and 5 minutes to get to talk to your mom but you better keep driving." "Hello? Emily is that you?" Jack sounded exhausted and scared."Yes, it is me. Are you ok Jack? I really wish I could see you right now I am really scared." "It is ok Emily me and mom are alright. You need to do what you feel is right I don't know what they need or what dad kept a secret about but it is really serious you need to make sure that you are being careful. Okay?" Jack sounded very serious and you could tell that he was trying to be brave but halfway through that sentence you heard him trembling. "Ok. Trust me Jack I will get you out of there I love you and I miss you." "ok, you need to talk to mom now my five minutes are up bye." Jack sounded way more confident this time. "Hello? Emily sweetie! Just listen to your father worked for a dangerous gang and when he quit something happened and that is why we moved to Florida. You need to be careful when you get here. There are bad people here they might try to take advantage of you. You father didn't want to raise a family there but h took something when we moved and I don't know if you should get it for them we will be alright you need to decide what to do. All of this is up to you we will understand your decision. Now the five minutes up just know that I love you I always will goodbye." And with that, the call ended. I put my phone down and sobbed, I sobbed until I couldn't feel my face anymore. 

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