As I reached the classroom door, two and a half minutes late, he appeared out of nowhere and put his arm out to block me.

"It's about your father," He said and my eyes widened. My father? The one who had beat me senseless and almost raped me almost a year ago? I was lucky my older brother, Tyler had been there to save me just in time.

But how could Noah know about him?

I used all the strength I had in me to shove the door open and go into our math class. I felt all the eyes on me but ignored them and walked to my seat with my head down.

Luckily, the teacher ignored my tardiness and continued teaching. I couldn't pay attention to anything he was saying though. Did Noah know about my father? He couldn't. I haven't told anyone and the only other person that knew was Tyler.

I tried taking notes, but my  mind was somewhere else. I didn't even know what I was writing.

The bell rang and I walked out of the room in a daze. The day was already over and I was supposed to catch a ride with Alice, but I had detention.

I wandered down the hallways until I had reached the detention room. I drew in a deep breath and opened the doors.

The room wasn't very crowded. In the front row, to the far left, was the school smoker and dealer. He was the one that always had some type of drugs on him.

In the very back, they were three boys who looked to be freshman. They looked terrified and were whispering quietly.

I took a seat near the middle, away from everyone.

The teacher supervising the room wasn't one that I recognized. He had a huge bald spot in the middle of his head that looked sleek and shiny. Around that, his hair was mostly gray but still had some brown specks in it. His forehead was creased in a frown, causing it to wrinkle up. He had square black glassed on his dark blue eyes. His lips were pressed into a tight line while he crossed his arms.

He had his eyes glued to the druggie in the front, ignoring the boys in the back.

I folded my arms on my desk and rested my head down on them. I counted each passing second and willing for the time to reach four o'clock so that I could leave.

After three minutes and thirty-seven seconds, the door opened.

I raised my head, a little thankful for something to watch. My stomach dropped when I realized it was Noah. I had forgotten he also had detention.

He nodded to the teacher in the front and took a seat next to me. I stiffened. Was it too late to hope that he hasn't seen me?

I put my head back into my hands.

I felt Noah's eyes on me, but I refused to look up. Was he planning to ask me about my father again? Was he going to use it against me?  I decided to deny anything he asked me.

I risked one glance at the clock. It told me that I had twenty minutes left. I resisted the urge to groan loudly.

I let my mind wander. Pictures of my father on that day, two years ago flashed in front of me. Okay, I'm was not  going to let my mind wander. I refused to ever think of that horrible day.

I felt tears form up in my eyes. I didn't blink and willed them to disappear.

Just then, the teacher cleared his throat.

"You may leave," He said in a raspy voice. I quickly fled the room and walked to the parking lot. I heard Noah's footsteps behind me, making me walk faster.

I stopped in my tracks. Alice was supposed to drive me home, but she already left. I didn't have a ride and couldn't walk home because my house was a couple miles away!

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