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The Fates

"Fynn...James...James Fynn Grimm look at me now!" 

Fynn looked up from his colorful plate of food. He met the intense brown eyes of his mother, one of the Fates, Wilhelmina. 

"Yes Mom?" He asked, shaking his head clear of his previous thoughts. 

"I asked whether you were excited for the outing with you great grandparents?" She repeated, moving her hand to hold her husband's. 

"I am rather." Fynn replied honestly, looking back down to his plate of diner. It wasn't unusual for Fynn and his two siblings to journey out to sea with their great grandparents, the rulers of the sea. It was, however, unusual for them to leave with an almost empty ship and return with a full one. 

Two hundred and fifty seven. That's how many of the girls they would be picking up on the three day travel around the seas. Fynn didn't think any of the girls knew that he would be aboard the ship, otherwise they all probably would have wanted to be picked up. 

"You're like, the most talked about person of the week!" Sarafina gushed excitedly. As the thirteen year old girl she was, she liked to stay up on all of the castle gossip. With her huge, dark, brown doe eyes, and her round baby face, mostly everyone found her irresistible to withhold information from. Which made her the person to go to if one needed information. 

"We all are always the most talked about family of...forever." Lucian cut in. He and Fynn looked as if they could be twins, except of course their eyes and hair. Lucian wore his pitch black hair cropped close to his head. His blue eyes and handsome face made him popular with the female staff. Fynn had chosen to grow his hair out, although it wasn't very long. Only long enough for Sarafina to mercilessly tug into a tiny french-braid. As for his eyes, they were grey. He found that his mother and father didn't like to look him in the eyes for too long. He never knew why.

"Nothing bad, I hope." The children's father said with a light smile. 

Mina smiled at Teague. 

"Of course not." Sarafina said, her large eyes widened at the opportunity to share her information. "I've heard-from my confidential sources-that you two are the best Fates in many many many years."  

"Oh...well...that's quite a bit of information." Mina answered with a very happy smile directed at her husband.

After all these years, Mina and Teague were still very much in love. Their bumpy beginning made their relationship unbreakable. 

"You must promise not to tell anyone because this is confidential information." 

"We promise, dear." Teague assured.

Mina glanced at the window. "Oh!" 

The family looked, as one, to the same window. Outside, floating in the ocean, was a large ship with colorful sails. 

"They're here!!!" Sarafina squealed as she jumped up out of her chair. 

Teague stopped his children with a stern look. "Finish your food." 

"Oh you silly oaf." Mina giggled. "Go ahead children." 

As the children hurried off to meet their great grand parents. In one fluid motion Teague stood up, pulled Mina from her chair and wrapped her in a tight hug, their noses were touching. Even now after almost eighteen (Earth) years of being married, Mina still got butterflies in her stomach when they were together. 

"After everything, you are still the only one who can change my mind." Teague said, his voice barley above a whisper.  

"Well." Mina said, planting a kiss on his lips. "I hope it stays that way." 

The Royalty

"Oh dear." Syrani fretted, attempting to fold another dress into the suitcase.

 "Don't worry about it!" Lisanne said, attempting to wrestle the dress out of the woman's hands. After five sons and a daughter though, Syrani was much stronger than Lisanne.

"No. I won't be the one at fault when you don't have the proper clothing to meet the Fates." 

"But, Father only wore what he wanted when he and mother journeyed there." 

"Your father is the most bull headed person I know. for your mother." 

Lisanne dramatically drug her hands down her face in agony. She flopped back onto her giant fourposter bed.

"You packed me four suitcases!" 

Syrani shrugged, unconcerned with Lisanne's distress. 

A knock came on Lisanne's door. Before her or Syrani said anything, Lisanne's fearsome father and gorgeous mother came in. 

"You're almost all the way packed." Thalia said, her voice shaking a bit. 

"Are you okay?" Lisanne asked, quickly sitting up. Her parents were very strong and for either one of them to be sad or nervous was a very big deal. 

"Oh. My eldest daughter, old enough to attend a betrothal party." Thalia didn't cry, but she was close. Thalia came forward and sat next to her daughter. She placed a hand on her cheek, then kissed her forehead. "I wasn't much older than you when I met your father." 

The entirety of the ladies in the room turned their heads to look at Kael.    

Kael, somber as ever, didn't change his facial expression. "It's not like I'm going to encourage you to catch the attention of any man." 

 Thalia lovingly rolled her eyes, and Lisanne's cheeks turned pink. 

"Just remember that I love you. If that young Fate to be tries anything...break his nose." 

Lisanne nodded. In almost any other family, her father's phrase might sound like a joke, but in this family, with him being a Swordbrother, it was in all seriousness. 

"I will." 

"Are you still sure Fenri wont mind you being gone so long?" Thalia asked, turning  to Syrani. 

"Oh, he put up his usual fuss, but I told him that I was going anyway. He's not my boss." The last part was very true. Syrani took orders from no one unless they were regarding her work. 

Lisanne slid off of the bed and made her way to the vanity. Thalia and Syrani could always strike up a conversation. 

Kael joined Lisanne at her desk. 

"You come home the moment you want to." Kael said. 

"Okay." Lisanne answered. 

It wasn't odd that their conversations were so short. Lisanne had inherited her mother's eyes and her father's personality. Needless to say, neither was the chatty type. 

"How many knives did Syrani pack for you?" Kael asked.

"None. I tried to tuck them in there but she saw them right away and lectures me about the expectations of a lady." 

"Pfft." Kael drew a knife off of his belt and sneakily slid it across the desk into Lisanne's hand. 

Lisanne slid the knife up her long sleeve, into a sheath that she'd put on that morning knowing that her father would give her a knife. 

"Take care of yourself for me okay?" 

Lisanne nodded and hugged her dad. Who knew how long she'd be gone for? 

Okay...Okay this whole story is a spur of the moment thing so please forgive any mistakes. Let me know how you all like it so far. Obviously this story won't have as much Thalia/Kael & Mina/Teague (Since the story is mostly about the younger generation but I promise that this isn't the last you see of The older generation.)

Also, since there are going to be a couple new characters (considering that there are 304 girls James Fynn has to meet (Lol Don't worry I won't name and talk about them all)) So if you have a character idea, feel free to leave their bio(personality,appearance etc.)  in the comments and I'll try to work them into the story!!! 

Thank you to all who read this :) 

The Fairest Wolf *Unenchanted & The iron Butterfly crossover*Where stories live. Discover now