“Avalon said the same thing to me a few weeks ago. But how am I supposed to stay away from you, when you keep showing up all over the place?”

         “I’m the one showing up all around, huh? I’d say it was the other way around, for some reason you always seem to linger around the house and wherever I am, you’re there too. Are you stalking me or something?”

         “No! I’m trying my best to avoid you.” I tell him sternly, “If anything you’re the one stalking me.”

         “No, I think it’s you. I think you have some kind of obsession with me!”

         “Do not!”

         “Oh, I think you do. I believe you actually like me a lot more than you show.”

         “I have a boyfriend,” I state, making Phoenix laugh loudly.

         “That’s right. Frederick, the perfect guy right? He probably hasn’t noticed the way you look at me. Well, enjoy him while you can! How old is he? Eighteen? You won’t have much more time together, don’t forget he’s one of us. He may not seem like it yet but he is. But that’s not important, you didn’t deny my statement.”

         “What statement?”

         “You like me.”

         “I do not!”

         “No you’re right, you don’t like me. You’re undeniably in love with me. How else would you explain the indescribable attraction between us?” he laced his fingers with mine. Without noticing I had moved, I now found myself standing in the middle of my room only a few inches separating Phoenix and myself.

My eyes lock on our hands before I look back at his face again. He smiles at my lack of response, a quiet chuckle leaving his lips as he slowly leans towards me, his lips grazing mine ever so carefully, almost as if he’s testing how far I'll allow him to go. My hands instinctively meet his cheeks, slowly urging his lips harder against mine. It’s as if every ounce of me yearns for the feel of his lips on mine, to feel his hands as they explore the curves of my body. I pull away ever so slightly to breathe, trying not to show just how vulnerable I am in this exact moment. My gaze move from his sparkling eyes to his lips and more they are on mine, this time even more urgent, one hand slowly but surely tangling into my hair. Each breath I take reminds me that it is really happening, his cologne surrounding me; the feel of his hands in my hair, and the pressure of his lips on mine is enough to put me in a state of pure ecstasy.

That is, until the door opens and Faye steps in the room. Phoenix and I jump apart as if struck by lightning. Unfortunately my roommate isn’t stupid and she immediately realizes what had just happened before she entered the room.

         “I'll see you later,” Phoenix breathes, if his breathlessness is from our kiss or from the surprise of being caught in action I don’t know, but he left immediately leaving me alone with Faye in a very awkward situation.

         “What the hell?” she exclaims incredulously, slamming the door after Phoenix, “What do you think you’re doing?” I haven’t heard her this angry before, and I have to say she scares me more than just a little. “You’re cheating on Frederick, you’re such a slut!” Her harsh words hit harder than any punches could, it feels like she has just knocked me in the stomach, emptying me of air.

         “No, I . . . Faye, I didn’t—I’m not a slut.” I have trouble expressing myself correctly; I keep stuttering the beginnings of several different sentences, but I’m unable to finish any of them.

         “Don’t even try to deny it. I saw the way you two jumped when I came in. You were kissing him. Do you even think of how this will hurt Fred?” Faye’s voice rises to a yell as she speaks; I’m confused over why she gets so angry with me. This has absolutely nothing to do with her.

         “Don’t tell him.”

         “Either you tell him or I do. It’s your choice,”

         “I'll tell him myself,”

         “Then go do it, if you wait I might do it myself anyway.” Faye threatens. I really don’t understand why she is so eager for Fred to hear about this? I submit to her threat and leave the room. I find him exactly where I thought he’d be, in his room with a Queen cd playing.

         “What are you doing here, baby?” he asks after pecking my cheek as a hello, “what’s wrong?” he continues after a while of hesitation from my side.

         “I need to tell you something,” Oh God, how am I ever going to tell him? Does he really even need to know? I love him so much and I never planned on hurting him.

         “What?” I hesitate a bit more, I can see his expression changing, he goes through several different emotions, the longer I keep quiet the more anxious he looks. “What is it, honey?” he repeats, grabbing my hand.

         “Do you still have that ring somewhere?” I chicken out, but immediately his eyes are filled with an indescribable glee. He pulled out the little black box from a drawer in his night table. Opening it he got out the ring.

         “Of course,”

         “Well then, give it to me! I’ve been thinking . . . I love you so much. You are the most amazing guy in the world. I accept your ring.”

This is the better solution right? I just lost myself in the moment with Phoenix, it won’t ever happen again. I just need to be with Frederick to forget about Phoenix. I love Frederick. I love Frederick. I love Frederick.

I love Phoenix.

Oh shit.

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