Shlimazl; Plight of the Chronically Unlucky

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Before Daishou Suguru was born, an earthquake hit his town. His mother slipped in the shower. Her water broke and so Daishou was born two months before he was due. Twelve hours after he popped out, her mother took her last breath, leaving Daishou with nothing but a big old house and a bank account that would sustain him until he gets himself a diploma, find a girl and settle down.

Unfortunately, Daishou never managed to get his art diploma nor did he find a nice girl to settle down with. He did however find countless men and women willing to spend a night or two with him. Most of them he didn't remember the faces. Some he remembers all too well, to his dismay.

He was what one would call an escort or a host. Others would say that he was a whore. And to be completely honest, Daishou wouldn't disagree. He was a whore. It was one of the main reasons he never got to maintain a stable relationship except for that one time in high school. Mika-chan.

Mika-chan was the only pure memory he had in his life. His one lucky strike in his unlucky life. However he was stupid enough to lose her.

"There'll be more girls in college," he said.

"I fucking miss her," he cried.

Five years later he finally knows first hand what that Blink 182 song was talking about. About to get kicked out of his house, three loansharks after his ass and the host club shutting its door on him for being too much trouble, he was totally and irrevocably fucked. Nobody likes you when you are twenty three. Well, nobody liked him much all his life.

On his way out of the host club, taking nothing but a busted lip, he bumps into a small woman.

"Watch it." Those were the first words that he heard from her after five long years. And watch, he did. He stared at her for the longest time as if she were the ghost of Christmas past, present and future rolled into one small beautiful package. She hasn't changed a bit. Not the slightest. She still held his heart in her soft tiny hands.

"Let's get coffee." With those three words, Daishou Suguru, against all the probabilities that didn't favor him, turned around his luck that night. He never won the lotto or some big raffle. He never made it big anywhere. He just settled for a simple quiet life. But it was a life with Mika. He never thought he could be this lucky.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2016 ⏰

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