First Date

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Eisuke Ichinomiya - For your first date Eisuke took you to the most expensive and fanciest restaurant in Tokyo. Since you came from a normal family and not a rich one like Eisuke, you couldn't believe how much he was willing to pay.
That night you were surprised to see not the business-like Eisuke with the fake smile, that he uses on TV, plastered on his face but a comfortable and sincere Eisuke who was happily talking and showing you the real him. And as you discreetly looked at him whilst you sipped your drink, you couldn't believe that one of the richest men in the world was sat opposite you, showing for the first time ever, his true self.

Soryu Oh - For your first date you and Soryu decided to walk around town, not really having a plan. You loved listening to Soryu talk about how much the Ice Dragons had grown over the few years that he had been second in command. You couldn't wait to meet them, even though you was a little nervous.
As the date continued you later encountered another member of a mobster branch that was threatening to stab Soryu, but as the thug came towards him, Soryu easily dodged the blade before knocking the thug to the floor. After that incident he asked if you were alright and you replied by nodding, even though you were a little shaken up. After a few seconds you felt Soryu take your hand, you were shocked at first but when you saw how nervous he was you couldn't help but squeeze his hand before pulling him along. You felt him relax and he smiled at you which you happily returned as you both continued walking down the street. Not the kind of first date you expected but it was nice holding Soryu's hand and knowing that he would protect you no matter what.

Mitsunari Baba - Baba took you to the place where you first met for your date and you thought it was pretty cute. Even though it was only the first date Baba told you all about his past and how he was an orphan. When you heard about the memories he held you couldn't help but want to comfort him, hold him. As you were walking back down the hill it began to rain. From out of nowhere Baba took out an umbrella and opened it up. He pulled you by the waist towards him and you both walked down the street snuggled up together under the umbrella, as the rain poured down around you.

Ota Kisaki - For your first date Ota took you to a museum which had an exhibit all on his art. As you walked around he told you all about his inspirations that gave him the ideas for his paintings. You had always been a fan of Ota's art but having him stood next to you and watching as people tried to discreetly take pictures of him, really made you feel like a celebrity. You happily listened to him as he went off in his own little world as you stood in front of one of his most famous paintings. Suddenly you felt him wrap an arm around your waist before pulling you close. You blushed but quickly refocused on the painting. From the corner of your eye you noticed him smiling as he kept glancing at you.

Mamoru Kishi - Mamoru took you to his favourite bar. You both sat in one of the booths at the back with your drinks. It didn't take you long to get comfortable since you had both seen each other plenty of times before. As the night continued the drinks kept flowing and you were both having a really good time. Laughing and joking. Mamoru even flirted with you every now and again, which made you blush. By the end of the night neither of you wanted to leave.

Shuichi Hishikura - For your first date Shuichi took you to the Opera House. You knew it would be something like this because that was Shuichi all over. But honestly you didn't mind, there's a first for everything. In the end you really enjoyed it, the singers voice was enchantingly beautiful and everybody clapped loudly. You linked your arm through Shuichi's as you exited the Opera House, he smiled at you tenderly and a big smile spread across your face as he walked you home.

Luke Foster - Luke took you on a walk through the English countryside. The walk was the perfect opportunity for you two to get to know each other. After you walked through the forest you came up to some pens were horses where grazing peacefully. You picked up a handful of grass and held it out over the fence. One dark coloured horse came trotting towards you, it cautiously sniffed your hand before eating the grass. You smiled as you petted it on the neck, Luke came up behind you and hugged your waist tightly. You both spent the rest of the afternoon relaxing in the shade of the trees.

Kyoichiro Okawa - Your first date with Kyo was a date to the beach. You both had a rare day off so you decided to make the most of it. As you walked through the little waves coming onto the shore, you saw everyone staring at Kyo and you knew it was because of his intimidating aura and the scar on his eye. You could see him getting nervous as he began to fiddle. Without thinking you wrapped your arm around his waist. He looked at you with wide eyes but once he saw you smile shyly before blushing, he smiled tenderly at you as he wrapped his arm around your shoulders and rested his head on top of yours.

Hikaru Aihara - For your first date Hikaru took you to a friends party. It was full of rich and famous people and you couldn't help but feel out of place and start to fidget nervously. Hikaru noticed this and slipped his arm around your waist before pulling you tightly towards him. He introduced you to everyone that came up to you both and every time someone asked about your relationship, he just smiled teasingly before pulling you even closer. As you stood sipping some champagne, Hikaru making small talk next to you, you couldn't wait to see what the future held for you both.

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