Our Past Love

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Lady Irene's POV

We pulled away from the kiss both blushing and Jenny smiling widely.

"Lady Irene...the reason I asked for you was so I could ask you if... you will be my girlfriend?" Esmond asked with a weak smile on his face. After he asked he looked down to his feet. I lifted up his his chin to make him face me and I smiled.

"Yes" I said.


Esmond's POV

Today will be the day I propose to Lady Irene. I had the box with a large blue and purple diamond ring within it. However I am worried, too. I had made a scavenger hunt for her where it ends at the place we first met..... the forest. 

Lady Irene's POV

I woke up finding a note on my nightstand telling me places to go, the first note said...

"Good morning Lady Irene, it is Esmond, follow these notes and it will lead you somewhere. Now to find the next note go to where I first asked you to be my girlfriend. I know you will find the end, now go find the note I love you M'lady- Esmond."

I go to the place he first asked me to be his girlfriend, the docks. I found the next note....

"See this is an easy hunt right? now to find the next note go to where we would always hang out when we're just bored. Your'e getting closer now keep going, I love you-Esmond."

I go to the wheat field and find Enki (aka Travis is this story) holding a piece of paper at hand. It was the next note. I walk up to Enki and he smiled and gladly gave me the note......

"I see you've found the third note. GREAT! Now there is just one more note. To find the next note go to where we first met and you will see your prize I hope you enjoy it my love-Esmond."

I finally got to our first ever meeting spot, the forest, I walk in it but I saw nothing...

"Hello there Lady Irene" I turn around to see Esmond....o-on o-o-one k-k-knee...

"Now Lady Irene you have reached the end of the scavenger hunt now the prize...."

Esmond pulled out a box and opened it and I saw a beautiful purple and blue diamond ring. I began to tear up and I covered my mouth in shock.

"L-L-Lady Irene will you do me the honor of being......my wife?" He asked.

I cried tears of joy and pulled him up and said, "Yes" in between my cries. He slides the ring on my finger and he pulled me in a hug. I felt safe in his arms, but i wasn't.

??? POV

"I see you found love for this pathetic fool, Irene?" 

"Y-y-y-you....w-w-what are you doing here!? H-How are you n-not in the n-nether!?" Lady Irene yells out.

"Happy day, happy day, congratulations for your engagement sadly the groom won't make it to his own wedding... hahahahahahaha" I say laughing maniacally while running up to Esmond to kill him once and for all. B-b-but h-he blocked it ugh pathetic.

"Shad..." Esmond said angrily blocking my sword. 


"You have forgotten about my reflexes..... now what do you want Shad, Lady Irene rejected your feelings long ago you should've gotten over it by now...." He says.

"SHE IS THE LOVE OF MY LIFE WHY WOULD I-" I was cut off by him yelling back.


That triggered me so much, and I took my Shadow lord form and stabbed him. I left and smiled at the thought of how Irene felt what I felt when my love left me.

Lady Irene's POV

"N-N-N-NO!! ESMOND!!??" I tried using my healing magicks, but it was no use h-he w-w-was gone. I cry my heart out...

"I-I-Irene..." I look up and see Esmond.

"E-E-ESMOND! YOU ARE ALIVE!?" I say hugging him tight.

"n-n-not.....f-f-for..l-long. I-Irene..t-take c-care of Jenny...tell her d-daddy l-loves her...and I-I-I Love Y-Y-You..." Esmond says while breathing heavily.

"n-no YOU WILL MAKE IT!" I yell breaking into tears.

"D-D-Don't worry w-we w-w-will meet again..In Another Life" He gave me one last kiss and smiled laying back on the ground and before I knew it... he was gone.

I broke down into tears. I regretted not telling Esmond right away.... that I was pregnant... with his child. I then started replaying those last words he had said, "we will meet again in another life." But I knew what he meant.... my special power... to give myself a new life.


Lady Irene's POV

I decided that....I would live a new life. I've talked to Jenny about everything I was planning on doing since she's now 10. I plan to live a new life and find Esmond, however I know he will have a new life as well with a new name, but I will find him. I will erase all my past memories and give myself a new name, Aphmau. I will give Jenny a new life as well I told we would meet again, but I'm letting her keep memories as well as my friend, Hyria. I am allowing myself to keep my magicks, but I won't remember I have them. However, I will have specific events give me flashbacks of my past, some possibilities will be of Jenny or Esmond.

It is time to say goodbye to my past life..... I will find you Esmond....

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