I went down to the cells and visited Lara first.

"Hey." I said, walking into her cell.

She looked up and smiled a little.

"I'll be honest, I kind of missed our therapy talks." She said as I sat down on the ground.

"I'll be honest, you're not that bad. You're actually kind of nice, ya know, when you're not trying to take over the world and kill everyone."

She chuckled and looked around.

"Ya know, this place isn't so bad..."

"Can I ask you something?" I asked.

"Might as well, I won't be going anywhere anyway." She answered.

"Why'd you recruit Maggie?"

"Easy. She hated you and wanted to take away your boyfriend. Kind of like with me and Steve except different."

"What do you think of her?"

"Honestly, she's really annoying." She said in an exasperated voice. "She's always going on and on about how she should've dated Ricky and it's just so..."

I raised one eyebrow and looked her up and down.

"Oh. I guess I know how you all feel..." She said, blushing.

"And how Steve feels." I added.

She blushed harder and looked down.

"You know, sometimes it's best to let the people you love, do what makes them happy, even if it doesn't make you happy." I said, calmly.

Lara nodded and looked back up.

"I think I get it now." She said.

"My mom used to say that holding a grudge against someone is like swallowing poison and waiting for that person to die. You're only hurting yourself." I said.

"What do you mean?"

"You had a grudge with Steve for being in love with Peggy. And 70 years later, you're here."

Her eyes widened slightly and she leaned her head against the wall.

"I am such an idiot." She muttered.

I looked at her and smiled a little, knowing that I had finally opened her eyes. I stood up and was about to leave when Lara stopped me.


I turned and looked at her.

"Don't you want to know what Maggie's powers are?" She asked.

I nodded and sat down in front of her.

"Loki gave her dark magic, telekinesis, telepathy and teleportation. She doesn't know she has teleportation yet," she said, looking down at the farthest cell that Maggie was in, "that's why she hasn't left yet."

I looked at Maggie's cell and watched her scratch the glass wall.

"Thank you, Lara. I'll put in a good word for you." I said, standing up.

"Thank you. Oh, and have fun on your date." She said, grinning widely.

"Thanks." I said, smiling.

I left and went upstairs to the lab to talk to Tony.

"Uncle T?" I asked once I walked in.

I couldn't see him, but I could hear him muttering to himself.

"Uncle T?" I asked slightly worried.

I turned the corner and found him working on his super suit from New York.

"Tony? What are you doing?" I asked.

"Oh! I was just, working out the kinks, ya know."

I nodded.

"Oh, I found out what powers Maggie has. Lara told me." I told him.

"Awesome!" Tony said, whipping out his smart phone. "Alright, tell me what they are and I'll send them over to Fury."

"Okay, she's got telepathy, dark magic, telekinesis and teleportation." I said.

"Tel-e-por-ta-tion... Okay!" Tony said, hitting send.

He looked at the time and looked up at me.

"Hey kid, you should get ready, you're date's in forty five minutes."

My eyes widened and I began to run out of the lab.

"There'll be a limo outside ready to take you there! Ricky will meet you there!" Tony called after me.

DarkShadow & WWIII (Sequel to 'Cause I Can (A Captain America fanfic))Where stories live. Discover now