Suddenly my brain made sense of the words it was hearing. Mate? I’m Astrix’s mate?

‘Your mistaken there your highness. Me and Astrix have been living together for 19 years. I’m pretty sure I would know if she were my mate’ I told him.

‘You wouldn’t know she was your mate until she came into full power. She was in danger so I stopped her body from transitioning from human into werewolf and fairy until her 20th birthday. Unfortunately her fairy side is being reluctant to emerge so you will not know until then if she is your mate for yourself. But trust me, she is. The prophets have foretold it.’

No. Astrix can’t be my mate. She can’t be. Not a werewolf, a monster. Yet I didn’t agree with that. Yes I was mad that Astrix had hidden that she was a werewolf but I wasn’t sickened by her. I didn’t hate her. I loved her. I couldn’t lose her over this.

With this epiphany riding through me I turned away from Astrix’s father and into the forest to go and find Astrix. She wasn’t safe in these woods alone.

I followed the path for half an hour before finding a disturbing sight. There was blood on the ground and multiple trees had been broken. Had a fight taken place here? But he could tell it hadn’t.

The trees had been broken high above and had been positioned near the edges clearing a pathway and creating cover. The blood was pooled in one place on the ground and nowhere else. This had been an ambush. Astrix was in trouble. Fear pulsed through my body, more fear than when my family had died.

I couldn’t lose Astrix.

Light shone out in front of me and Astrix’s father appeared. He looked around the clearing and I could see when he came to the conclusion I had. His calm façade broke down, his eyes began to shine and brighten again, his hands clenched into fists and his shoulders began to shake. One tear dribbled down his face.

The tear of a fairy is extremely rare and powerful if you can capture it. Fairies do not cry often as they do not find many things sad. Seeing the fairy prince cry put it into perspective for Dalton. Astrix’s father knew who had captured Astrix. He also knew what was going to happen to her. And it had driven him to cry. 

Astrix’s P.O.V

This village is so silent. Nobody talks.

I tried humming just to make some noise but everyone started glaring at me and shaking their heads so I had to stop. I would have continued just to annoy them but it didn’t seem as if it was the noise that was annoying them…they looked scared for me.

A whistle suddenly rang out from the house and everybody dropped what they were carrying and began talking. I wonder if this is their lunch break or something.

The little boy from earlier came back over to me and sat down. He looked more at ease than earlier. ‘Hey’ he said shyly.

‘How are you?’ I asked. I was hoping that whatever magic I had done on his leg would be permanent and would make sure that that wound does not hurt him anymore. He gave me a big smile and told me that it was feeling great, no pain at all.

‘I’m toby by the way. Thank you for earlier. I would have said it but as you can probably have guessed we aren’t allowed to talk whilst we are working. Its lunch break now so we can talk k in hushed voices but If we speak to loud that he can hear us in the house then we have to go back to work early.’

I sat there staring at him in shock. This is his pack and yet he treats them like slaves. Who the h*ll does he think he is?!

‘Anyway, who are you? The alpha seems mighty interested in you miss’ he continued.

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