Chapter 2: The Tale of Unfortune

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I can't believe it. I felt pity for this girl. She looks like a hunter. Tall, wears hide and fur. But I guess to be a person around sadness makes you a person of fear. I looked up at her with absolute empathy in my eyes.

"Thank you for understanding Nomura." Crystal says nonchalantly with no eye contact.

I hear the crunch of leaves, running and I see light. It wasn't just one person, it was lots of them. They were hunters.

"Run!" Crystal grabs my wrist and throws it in a rock den she grabs her dagger, looks around and jumps off the tree she's on.

"CRY!!" I scream. She glares at me and puts her finger in the shush position.

"They're not here. No wolves, no people." The hunter says

"Shut up! I heard something"

Crystal piles snow over me and digs a hole.

'Where did she get that from?" I ask myself thinking about her dagger

After 10-30 minutes the hunters leave.

"Hey. Snows pretty deep." Crystal says smiling. "I think you should spend the night at my house. Ya know. Just to learn things. Then I'll leave ya and you'll be independent."

"I'm sorry what?"

"my house. Sleepover. You. Independence. Now"

I raise an eyebrow and then I understand



I grab her hand and we head to her house.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2016 ⏰

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