Chapter 4 An Understanding

Start from the beginning


12 minutes past since they left . Claire sat there drinking  her morning coffee,while Owen was still asleep on the couch. She looks out of the window. She loves the breathtaking view of city. She watched as people walked around,birds fly by,car drove pass, and children playing at the playground. She loves every single thing the view offered .She heard Owen shifts. She turned her attention toward Owen.
Owen eyes open as their adjusted to the morning light. He gets up and stretch his tired body. "Morning ",he heard Claire . He chuckles as he turned his head to look at her direction. He walks towards her. "Have you been here all morning?"  He asked the red-heard. Claire shrugged her shoulders. "Pretty much,"she said as Owen took a sit across from her. "Where is everyone else?" He asked her. "They left 12 minutes ago to get some pancakes,since food service is down until this afternoon," she answered him. Owen nodded his head.
For the past two weeks things between have been complicated. She learned so many things about him through out the passed weeks. Like his time at the navy,what was it like to work with the raptors, and his family. There was something about Owen that makes it fun to be around. But, still they relationship between was hard to explain.Ever since Jurassic World and that unexpected kiss her head was clouded ,and she couldn't think straight as to how she was feeling towards him.
She did like Owen,but she wasn't sure if this feeling was real.
She looks at him as he looks out the window. "Owen!" She spoke up grabbing Owen attention. "Can I ask you something ?" She asked him. "Um ok." He face look a little nervous. I can't believe I'm gonna ask this, she thought to herself. She took a big breath."Why did you kissed me!?" She blurted out. Owen froze.His face become pale as snow. Ever since the island they never once mentioned the kiss,and now it something Owen wasn't ready to discuss
He looks away from her,rubbing the back of his neck. Awkwardness rose between them. "Aren't you going to answer?" Claire asked , a little rudely . Owen let out a nervous chuckles, before turning back to look at her. He cleared his throat couples time before answering her, finally saying something,but was whisper to softly Claire couldn't hear. "Speak up", she demanded him. He let a anxious sighs. "I kissed you because I didn't know what else to do." He said again. Claire raise her eyebrows. "What that  suppose to means?" She asked him, confused what he meant. This really shouldn't be happening, he thought to himself. "I really don't know why,just sometimes I.." He stopped. "Never mind." He said, embarrassed that he let his heart took over . Claire stood up and walked to him. She stands beside him resting her hands on her hips. "Owen,"She said little bit nervous then before. He looks at her ,noticing some sort of lust or desire in her eyes. "Please tell me." She said sweetly. He looked at her for moments. "Please ," she whisperers.He let out of a big sigh. " Sometimes I just can't control myself when I'm around you ", he confuses. He looks away from embarrassment. He couldn't believe said that. He blew his chances with Claire, what a fool he was . Then all sudden he felt a hand on his right shoulder. "Owen",she said. He turned back to look at her. "I want you to kiss me again."
His eyes widened. "A-are you implying that you want me to kiss you?" His words stutter from his mouth. A small smile appear on Claire's face. She nods her head. "Yes", she said to him. "I want to know that this feeling towards you is real Owen."
He didn't replied back.
Instead he just look down at his feet. Claire let a disappointing sigh. She slowly began to walk off. "Well then I ...." Her words were interrupted by a tug by the hand.She turned her head over her shoulder, and notice Owen holding her hand. He got up slowly,head still down. He turned her around ,so she can face him. He put a hand on her back and other was on her waist.Claire was breathing heavily. He finally look up. She gazed into his eyes, noticing some sort of desire. He leans in crashing his lips on to Claire's. She made a surprise squeak ,before shutting her eyes and wrapping her arms around his neck.This kiss was real. It was no 'thank you for saving my life ' kiss,it was real passionate kiss between two people who loves each.
Their lips began to move against one another. His grip on her here became tighter ,yet still gentle. They were breathing heavily, as hands began to wonder.Their lips fit together so well it was like they were made for each other. Owen slides his tongue into her mouth,causing her to moan. Claire felt a desire she never felt before,it was something Owen sparked in her. She grab on his collar,tugging him closer.Then pulling him away ,so she can breathe. "S-sorry I-I-I shouldn't have  done that ,"he rambles . Claire shook her head. "You did nothing wrong ", she whispered to him as she leans closer.
Her lips gaze over his. "Claire ," Owen whisper.He place a hand on her right side cheek, so she can face him. He felt them burn red. "Do you wanna?"
"Yes", she interrupted him. "I thought you would never ask", she said leaning in to kiss him again. Owen chuckles softly against her lips. He bends down picking up her legs, and wrapping them over his waist . Carrying Claire they went straight to her room

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