Silent In The Trees

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Ray sat quietly in the bus, thinking to herself. Her phone buzzed, making her snap out of her bubble. She quickly checked her pockets and grabbed her phone. She received a text from Jordan.

She read it and looked up. The bus had stopped for a while. "Abandoned house, huh?" She smirked knowing how easy the job was now. She got off the bus and looked side to side. She was safe. She walked around the city for about 20 minutes until she found out where the closest forest was.

She walked into it hoping for the best. She took off her headphones and walked deeper into the forest. "Bingo..." She whispered, she was used to this. She walked faster towards her destination, the abandoned house. "All my friends are heathens take it slow~" A female voice was heard.

It sounded sad and lost. Ray bit her lip, not wanting to care. She had no choice but to turn around and follow the voice. She could be heard or found if the voice kept singing. She got closer to it and finally found it. A young girl sat behind a tree holding a rock.

Ray stood there. She wanted to know, see, and say 'hello'. She was a coward, she couldn't do it. She may seem like a sociable human but she isn't. Ray just bit her lip harder and ran away from the scene.

As soon as she got there she quietly hid behind walls and peeked through the corners. Maybe nobody was there. Ray tiptoed up the stairs and ran into a random room. She sat on the hard concrete and managed to shut her eyes, taking deep breaths.

"Ok. Listen here, if I go to jail it's gonna be your fault! Understand?! She betrayed me that's all, there's no need for you to make such a big deal about it! Bye!" Ray heard someone yell onto what it seemed a phone. Ray's eyes shot open and she began to worry. The person who Ray believed it may be Caden kind of broke down and started crying.

Ray slowly got up and followed the noises. She peeked through the corner of the room Caden was in, and without making a sound walked in. Ray coughed trying to get Caden's attention. Caden looked back and wiped tears away from their face.

"Who are you and what are you doing here?" Caden took steps back closing laptops and packing stuff. "I got sent by your lil friend, Jordan." Ray got serious and smirked. She can't look sensitive or weak. "She's not my friend." Caden said putting on their backpack.

"Cool. I still have to finish my job though." Ray giggled. "What do you want from me?" Caden seemed a little...scared? "Oh, just bringing you back to Jordan. Unless you want her to come here and get you." Ray said taking steps closer to Caden.

"I'm not going anywhere with you or Jordan." Caden really got upset. "I guess I'll have to do this the hard way." Ray said while running her fingers through her hair and taking her gun from her back pocket. She didn't aim the gun but she made it look like a warning.

"Let's go." Ray said, her voice sounded rough. "I said no!" Caden yelled at Ray. This made Ray grip the gun tighter. She aimed it at Caden and motioned them towards what it used to be a door. "Let's go." Ray smirked, she's liking this, she loves the feeling of winning.

Caden growled angrily while stomping out of the room. "Stay where I can see you. K?" Ray sounded a little protective. Caden ignored and waited for Ray. "I'm not against you. You shouldn't be mad at me, I'm just doing my job." Ray giggled.

Caden sighed and continued to walk while looking at the floor. Ray shrugged and lowered her gun, knowing the situation was now calm. They made it out into the forest, Ray took a deep breath. She expected more action.

"I know where you stand. Silent in the trees...and that's where I am, silent in the trees~" Ray took a step back and her eyes almost teary. She knew that whoever was singing knew about her trying to speak to them. This was obviously being sang for her.

Ray squealed a bit knowing that this person knew about Twenty One Pilots. "Why won't you speak, where I happen to be?" The female voice didn't sound like it was singing, it sounded like a literal question.

"Ray. What are we doing?" Caden raised an eyebrow. "Uh. Yeah. Let's go." Ray looked around, coming back to earth. She turned her back and started to quickly find her way out for the forest.

Ray and Caden spent 40 minutes walking and taking busses. After they finally made it to Ray's apartment, they talked for hours. Ray forgot about her job. "So you leaked heathens and the police is looking for you? That's sick." Ray smiled while chugging down a cold beer.

"It's not. It really isn't." Caden sighed and continued to stirr their drink. "Why did you even start that illegal website?" Ray giggled. "Well, you see. I wasn't going to make money by just selling drugs. You know?" Caden looked back at Ray who was in the kitchen making snacks.

"It only works if you are selling the good ones. The website isn't a bad idea either." Ray spoke picking up a plate and bring it to the living room. "What do you do for a living?" Caden raised an eyebrow while taking a sip from their drink. "I do stuff for people." Ray shrugged, not knowing what to really call it.

"Like?" Caden scoffed. "I find people, sell drugs, and kill. They pay me with jewelry, money, expensive drinks. The good stuff." Ray spoke. She sat down next to Caden. "So the police is also looking for you?" Caden laughed and took a pizza roll from the plate. "Pfft, I killed someone. Why wouldn't they?"

"And you wonder around streets and don't get caught?" Caden looked amused. Ray pointed at her face and chuckled. "Oh. That's right." Caden blushed a bit.

"So like y-" Caden got cut off by someone knocking on the door. "Be right back." Ray stretched and got up from the couch. She skipped towards the door and opened it. "Hello." A girl stood behind the door way. Ray was pretty short but the girl was slightly even more shorter than Ray.

"How can I help you?" Ray smiled with a serious tone behind her voice. "Here." The girl gave Ray a rock. "I know you stood there. Listening to me sing." The girl blushed and giggled. "I'm Olivia. Olivia Burns." She giggled again.

Ray looked at the rock and then back at Olivia. "Ok. Come in." Ray nervously slid the rock inside her pocket. "I like it here." Olivia spoke looking around with her hands behind her back. "Thanks?" Ray was slightly uncomfortable, she wasn't used to having people around.

Ray only welcomes customers and well, people like Caden. She never had compliments about her place. Ray deeply thinked. Was this the girl singing? Is it true? Ray shrugged and joined Caden again. "Wanna come sit with us?" Ray patted a spot in the small couch next to her. "Um, yeah sure." Olivia smiled and sat down.

"So what's your story?" Caden quickly said breaking the awkward silence. "M-me? Oh. I ran away, other than that just a depressed teenage kid." Olivia laughed faking a big smile. "Want some? It helps with feelings." Caden handed over their drink.

Olivia's hands were cold and shaky but she managed to pick up the cold bevarage. Olivia took a huge gulp out of the glass cup. Ray was still deep in thoughts. "Thanks." Olivia sighed, sitting back. Ray looked over at Olivia. "Why did you run away?" Ray's eyes were filled up with confusion.

"They are after me."

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