God, but he’s easy to talk to this one. He listens well, he makes me laugh and he doesn’t judge. And he doesn’t do that bloody daft male thing of trying to tell you how to fix the unfixable. He’s been here hardly a minute and I feel like I’ve known him half my life. Gina said she was near as happy just having someone to listen to her as she was having him warming her bed and I know what she means.


Jack went into the stables on an errand that went out of his head when he found Charlotte arriving back on her horse, Willow. She looked elegant in her riding outfit, divided skirts, a dark jacket, top hat and gloves, but over-dressed for the weather. Ladies were only supposed to ‘glow’ he knew, but Charlotte was clearly sweating.

‘Lady Charlotte. Good ride?’

‘Yes, Jack, thanks for asking, but it’s far too hot for me today. I haven’t been riding for a while and I’m simply not used to the exercise. I need a change.’

‘Is there anything I can do to help?’

‘Well, she needs to be brushed down once we get her saddle and harness off. Can you do that?’

‘If you show me how. I’ve never had anything to do with horses, but I can brush my own hair, so I’d guess I can manage hers.’

Charlotte laughed and dismounted.

‘Oh, these damn boots. Mine are at the cobblers, being mended, and these are a pair of Dee’s. They pinch and they’re hot and I’m growing to genuinely hate them. Let’s get Willow inside and I can take them off.’

They took the horse into the stables where Charlotte tied Willow up. Jack dragged a straw bale over and gestured at it.

‘And that is for?’ said Charlotte.

‘’You said you wanted to take your boots off. Sit down and I can help.’

‘Well, I had meant in the house, but yes, I will need help getting these off, thanks.’

She sat down on the bale and Jack knelt to take a foot.

‘Erm, not to put too fine a point on it, but I think you’ll feel more comfortable if you take off the gloves, hat and coat as well.’

‘Ha. True. Ladies of my station aren’t supposed to even perspire, but I fear I’m sweating like a blacksmith under this lot.’

Jack picked up the foot and helped pull the high riding boot off. The foot revealed was chafed and red with signs of a blister starting on the heel.

‘Ouch. That can’t be good. Just a minute.’

He walked over to the side of the stall and came back with a bucket of fresh water and  clean cloths.

‘And what’s that for?’

‘Well, you’re going to blister anyway, I think, but your feet won’t feel nearly as bad if you stick them in cold water for a few minutes.’

‘Hmm. Sounds like a good idea. Very well, let’s try.’

Jack pulled the other boot off while Charlotte finished removing her gloves hat and jacket. She could feel the blouse sticking to her back and was aware of wet patches under her arms.

Probably stink like a fisher wife. She could feel dampness on the inside of her thighs from Willow’s lathered sides and guessed if she didn’t smell like fish, it was only because the smell of horse overpowered it. The cold water felt marvellous on her feet and she was starting to relax on the bale when Jack passed her the cloth, wet, wrung out and folded neatly.

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