The Necromancer's Daughter

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Slam! The door shuts behind Bridget, as she stormed out the house leaving her mother and their pointless argument behind.

Bridget flooding with tears ran straight towards the dark woods cracking twigs, crunching dead leaves, and hearing the sound of her mother screaming her name from behind. It was cold, dark, and fearful in the woods but she didn't care at that moment.

    She found a stump and sat there hugging her arms together trying to obtain the comfortability of warmth. The screaming stopped and the only thing she heard was her own sorrows filling up the empty air.

"Stupid, Stupid! I almost tripped because you left a puddle of sticky shit on the floor, Bridget mocked. Get some wood, start the fire, do this, do that, blah blah blah!"

Looking down staring at nothing, her salt-watered droplets leaked out of her eyes and ran down her cheeks.

As tear by tear collided the ground she could almost hear it, loud and clear, like sticks beating her eardrums from the inside.

Bridget let  out a big sigh that's been building inside her tired lungs, then unexpectedly yelled. "AAAHHHH!" Followed by the sound of black crows crowing and her weeping tears.

   "Something is the matter?" a voice asks.

She quickly twisted her head around with a gasp filled with fear. Her eyes going crazy from left to right, from up to down but nothing unusual was sent and detected by her brain.

The crescent moon was hidden behind the brewing clouds above her head and it barely gave her any light to see around. She can only see a little of nature but nothing more. She scanned around using the power of hearing until she heard a "whoosh" in the distant trees beyond her.

"Hello......who's there?" she asked the anonymous voice.

There was no reply, so silence took over.

She turned her head back wiping her tears away and thinking maybe it was just her imagination but the sense of feeling that someone is behind her wearing a devil's costume, breathing loudly, and getting ready to scare her grew intense.

Bridget stood up and screamed. "Who's there! What do you want!"

A feeling when your last words were blurted out in a loud throng of darkness, followed by an eerie silence is slowly creeping towards her pounding heart.

She fists her left hand, then opened it up with a ball of light that conquered the circle of darkness around her. As soon as it appeared into her hand, she then throws it at a random tree.

The light was taped onto the tree giving her some view of the area for only one minute, until it would just  dissipate into embers. Of course, Bridget can do better magic spells than that, but it was just a natural power she possessed.

She can make it stronger eventually but she's in the process of training her gifted powers and some other necromancy knowledge that her mother is trying to impart with her.

Her muscles got tighter as the wind blew cold and strong, stinging a blast of air all over her body. She watched the leaves dance high and low with the blistering wind while her senses were high.

"They're coming!" the voice screamed.

Bridget jumped to her feet with chills that stood behind her neck. It all ran down her spine like a rushing waterfall that blasts your body away until your suffocated by fear. She held her breath in while the light misted away, chasing the voice and drawing blackness again.

She was afraid. She was speechless. She was paralyzed. 

Eventually for about a  brief second she woke back up to feelings and focused her sight.

As soon as she realized that the light disappeared, she turned her body and hurriedly ran back home leaving the stump to rot.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2014 ⏰

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