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It doesn't surprise Glaiza when she wakes up the following morning to an empty bed on the other side of the room. Not only does Sanya sleep late, but she wakes up early as hell too. Like Glaiza presumed before, Sanya is lowkey a vampire. But it's not like Glaiza is complaining about the fact that she hardly ever sees her. The less the better.

After finishing her daily morning routine consisting of using the bathroom, brushing her teeth, doing her hair/makeup, and changing into a new set of clothes, she grabs a granola bar from her closet and heads on out of her dorm, making her way towards the courtyard of the school. It was an unbelievably nice day today and god knows she could use a little tan. Hell, everyone knows.

Along the way, she spots her friends, Kylie and Gabbi, heading her way. Glaiza immediately gives them a friendly smile and wave. They've all been friends since Glaiza was placed in a group to work with them on a history assignment and they all hit it off pretty quickly. They're two of very few people who don't piss her off.

Kylie and Gabbi have been friends for a while and they were lucky enough to be able to go to the same college together. They're two peas in a pod. Kylie's a softie, even though her stature says otherwise. She stands tall, built, and healthy as a horse, but she could never hurt a fly. She was really shy when Glaiza first met her. Gabbi, the petite one, was the one doing most of the talking. It took a while before Kylie was able to warm up to Glaiza, but now they're friends and she's a total sweetheart. They both are.

"Hey, guys," Glaiza greets happily once they stand in front of each other in the middle of the sidewalk.

"What are you up to this morning?" Gabbi asks politely. "We were actually on our way to find you."

"Oh, nothing," Glaiza answers casually. "I was just on my way to go bask in the glorious sun and hopefully try to get a couple shades darker. Care to join?"

"We got nothing else better to do this Saturday morning," Kylie chuckles as they all begin walking again. "How are you and Sanya, by the way?"

She lets out a deep sigh as they make their way down the steps toward the courtyard. "Same old, same old. We never talk and when we do, it's basically to argue and/or nag each other. We're like a married couple except for the whole loving each other part."

The three girls all find a comfortable, empty spot in the grass right in the middle of the area where the sun was the strongest. Glaiza extends her legs out in front of her while resting her weight back on her arms. She closes her eyes, feeling the warmth seep in her bare skin and spread throughout the rest of her body.

"I don't know," Kylie mumbles, "I've never really liked her that much. I mean, she's never done anything to me nor do we know each other, but just based on her attitude and personality and what you have told me before, I don't think I would want to know her. She just doesn't sound like someone I would really get along with."

Gabbi hums quietly in agreement. "I feel the same way. Her crowd of friends is not one that I would ever see myself hanging out with. Their priorities are so messed up."

Glaiza opens her eyes as she looks at her friends. "You can say that again," she scoffs. "I think Sanya and I will be okay if she and I just never acknowledge or interact with one another. I feel like me calling her out on her inconsiderate shit would be futile. Like I've told her time and time again to quit forgetting her freakin' key because it's annoying as hell to keep getting up to let her in and to clean ..."

Glaiza trails off when she realizes that only Gabbi is listening intently. Kylie, on the other hand, is staring off across the other end of the courtyard. Curiously, Glaiza follows her gaze and notices Max sitting cross-logged on the grass by herself with a book in her lap and headphones in her ears.

Glaiza and SanyaDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora