Where it all started

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The week before everything started getting out of control Adalene wake up she looks to her right and just stares at her alarm clock and realizes its only Friday 6:30 AM and that she only has a half an hour before she has to go to school after that she jumps out of bed and rushes into her closet to lay out her clothes she is gonna wear for that day, after that she rushes into the shower takes a quick shower and gets dressed when she is done getting ready she eats some cereal and is off to school. At around 7:15 she is walking down the hall to her history class and tries to rush their so she can be the first one there and catch up on some reading.. At 7:18 AM she says in her head yes because she was the first one in her class to be there then she starts reading her favorite chapter book Dork Diaries,after that's the class starts and then the teacher walks into the class she realizes that she has a substitute teacher and his name was Mr.Crow after she found out his name he slammed his books down and the whole classes jumped after he did that he said " Open your history books to page 278 and take notes on this movie " so I did so then a boy in the back of the class raises his hand and says " This is history class why are we taking notes on a horror movie." Then he replies saying " It's my class just watch it." I'm thinking in my head that he is rude and its only his first day. After the movie finishes I say in my head that movie is so weird and I kinda when I was watching turn move I felt chills go up my spine.. After that it is 9:20 Am and I put my stuff in my book bag to go to my next class.. After I walk out of class I go in my locker to get my phone to call my mom. I call her and I say " hi " and she says " hi " then she tells me that "I'm going to New York" and I say" Are you leaving right now" she says "Yeah this is the last flight available all of today through next week because they're gonna shut down this airport" I say ok I will see you whenever you get back" she says "ok I love you" "I say back I love you too mom have a good flight" and she says "bye" and hangs up after that I walk into my next class which is science and my substitute teacher is also there or at least it seams like that after I walk in I sit at my table with one of my best friends Sam and talk to him till the teacher walks in the teacher writes his name on the board and its Mr.bird I say in my head are my substitute teachers twins and suddenly I raise my hand and say are you and Mr.Crow twins he says yes that is my twin and I say in my head wow one teacher is rude and the other is nice. During class we just checked our science homework and had time to do our project on DNA cells in animal. After that it is around 10:15 AM and I go to the vending machine to get a quick snack and I pay 15 cents for a apple. When I'm done eating the apple it's 10:20 AM and i go to my next class which is English and man I think aced that class I think I got every question right on my test why because I stayed up past 12:00 PM studying for my test... Ok after English its around 11:15 and its time for lunch so I go downstairs with the rest of my classmates and I go through the lunch line,grab my tray and pick out what I want, they have either Chili dogs or pepperoni Pizza ok I pick Pizza next item Orange or Apple ok again I pick Orange now the final last item juice and a cupcake or milk and cookies ok juice and cupcake I mean come one a cupcake you can never not want a cupcake even though ok am in ninth grade and soon I'm turning 16 I will never get over cupcakes.after I eat we always have a 15 minute break to do whatever we want so I decide to do my animal cell DNA project and luckily I finished it, and now its 11:30 Am and I have a half an hour to meet my cheer coach,practice,change and go to my biology class but I have everything down packed even though cheer practice is only at the least 20 minutes and then I have to meet my coach which takes 5 minutes and change which takes 5 minutes and if I run I can make it into biology class before the teacher even starts doing attendance. Finally its 12:01 PM and I am sitting in my seat with all my stuff out and I made it in time only 2 more hours to be exact.. After my biology class it 1:00 PM and I only have 1 more hour and its spent doing my favorite specials from when I was younger gym finally its 2:00 and I'm walking home with my friends Jasmine and Sam and now I'm home. Im home and my mom is gone and my dad is at work like always and I am stuck here with no parents what's on my mind is a sleep over with me and Jasmine so what do I do in order pizza and I call Jasmine and the rest of the night we watch movies and eat popcorn till we fall asleep.

The House on The HillOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora