Chapter Two ☼ Coming Down

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I found a savior
I don't think he remembers
'Cause he's off to pay his crimes
And he's got no time for mine
-Halsey / Coming Down

It was a bit cold to be eating outside, but it meant that very few people were in the courtyard for lunch. Which, was how Hong Fa and his "friends", preferred it. They were feeling quite rowdy, apparently, as they were tossing around a sandwich that belonged to a dark haired boy Hong Fa hardly knew.

Hong Fa, on the other hand, was lost in
thought. For the previous four days, He Tian had been finding him in the halls, telling him to take the night off. It was driving Hong Fa mad with suspicion. He Tian wasn't the person to just give someone time off. There was most certainly a catch, but Hong Fa couldn't place what it was.

He was running his fingers against his scalp, mussing up the orange strands there. Perhaps He Tian could have replaced him, but the bronze skinned boy seemed creepily set on Hong Fa working as both his "maid" and chef.

He Tian had yet to make an appearance that day, but Hong Fa knew it was inevitable. Just as the thought crossed his mind, he was suddenly shoved over on the bench as another warm body sat directly next to him.

Assuming it was one of the members from his posse, his hand flew to grab the back of their shirt in attempts to yank them backwards and onto the ground. Instead, long fingers wrapped around his wrist tightly.

"Hello," of course it was the asshole, He Tian.

The other guys at the table all froze, looking from Hong Fa to the newcomer. Tai Ya, a boy with shaved grey hair, lifted an eyebrow, "Do we need to take care of this bastard, Red?"

Granted, most of the boys at the table were heavily intimidated by He Tian. Weeks prior when Hong Fa had attempted to fight a lanky blond kid, He Tian had sent the group running with a simple fucking look.

"Take care of me?" He Tian asked pleasantly, reaching across the table and snatching the sandwich that had been being thrown about. "For starters, you can begin with feeding me. I'll take this, thanks."

Hong Fa looked at the boy in disbelief. He appeared laid back as usual, black t-shirt despite the bite of cold in the air, black joggers with a blue stripe. Hong Fa and any other sane person wore a jacket, or two, against the chilly weather. But not this bastard.

"Can we talk elsewhere?" Hong Fa hissed, shoving at He Tian so that he'd let go of his wrist.

"I'm pretty comfortable here and I just now got my sandwich," He Tian frowned, holding up the plastic bag with the destroyed sandwich inside.

A scowl was going to become permanently etched onto Hong Fa's face if he spent two more seconds with the sharp faced demon of a boy. In response to He Tian, he attempted to shove the boy off the table bench once more, but with a firm and alarmingly fast yank to Hong Fa's sleeve, he was crashing sideways off of the bench and onto the ground.

With nearly a mouthful of dead grass, Hong Fa lifted his head to see all of his companions leaping up and scattering away from He Tian. He gave the dark haired boy a shaky finger, "Fuck off."

"Stop playing in the dirt," He Tian tsked. "On the bright side, we have more privacy. That's what you wanted when you asked to somewhere else, right? Planning to make a move on me?"

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