Patient Novel

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When the sun had almost completely set, Toshi had returned home. As soon as his father unlocked the door to their western style mansion, Toshi ran to his room, ready to read his grandfather's newest mystery novel.

His mother wasn't really one to approve of him reading such a descriptive and gruesome book, as he was only a four year old boy, his mind was still innocent and easily influenced.

But as she didn't fully approve, she was reluctant before she gave in. She always made Toshi promise her that if there was an extremely gruesomely detailed part, he would stop reading and move on to the next chapter. And that was a promise he kept.

Ran always made sure to give her husband a scolding for how much he had influenced his son into wanting to becoming a detective. Shinichi just smiled sheepishly at her, not knowing what to say as he could think of was saying that that was how he was at Toshi's age.

Toshi remembered when he overheard his mother and father talking about that, and couldn't help but giggle to his father's reply. That was as good as an excuse as any.

Drawing his attention back to his grandfather's novel, he read aloud the first paragraph. "In the night of something spectacular, came something tragic to ruin a celebration. The streets were low of passers by, and they had only had a couple of drinks. She wasn't expecting the way his smile made her feel safe. Rinao couldn't think of that, or of him at that moment. She had cases to solve, and maybe a few tonnes of coffee to get her through them."

Toshi laughed when he read that part, "that reminds me of Tou-san when he's working late on a case."

Just as he was about to carry on reading, the image of the earlier sunset spilled into his mind, taking him away from his grandfather's novel. Why did that suddenly pop into his mind? Shrugging, Toshi turned his attention back to the novel.

Just as he was ready to read more, the image of the girl that he had met at the park flew into his mind. He couldn't help but wonder why here eyes sparkled such a bright indigo, even in the light of the setting sun. He loved that shade of blue.

He also loved the way her name sounded. "Aomi," he whispered to himself. What did that name mean? Did it stand for something?

Toshi knew that his own name meant "alert, bright and intelligent", his father told him. And his mother had told him that he suited his name, as he was very smart as a baby.

His mother name "Ran", meaning "lily" or "orchid". His father's name "Shinichi" meant "true one" or "true first", which came with term of him being "first son."

His mother had also said that his father's name probably earned him his casual saying of how there was only 'one' truth, which was something he always used to say when he was a teenager.

With the explanations of what his and his parents' names meant, he couldn't bring himself to think of what the name "Aomi" meant. Was its meaning a flower? He just couldn't think.

He had waited almost all day to read this novel, and yet, now that it was in front of him, his mind was set on trying to find out what meaning a name had.

The sound of someone clearing their throat brought Toshi's attention to the doorway of his bedroom. When he pulled his mind back to reality, and out of the world of name meanings, he looked to the doorway. Only to see his father standing there, leaning against the doorframe with his arms crossed over his chest. A knowing smile playing across his lips, making Toshi frown, knowing that smile all too well.

Shinichi smiled wider to his son. "Are you all right?"

Toshi nodded quickly. Too quickly.

Shinichi just chuckled as he stepped into Toshi's room and came to sit next to him on Toshi's bed. When he was sat beside his son, Shinichi looked down to him. Meeting those large, innocent violet eyes that belonged to his wife, Shinichi raised an eyebrow. "Are you sure? Because I've never seen you get distracted whilst reading one of Ojiisan's book. You looked like you were trying to decipher something."

Toshi looked to his father for a moment, his eyes wide with surprise. Was he that obvious? Well he was only four years old, so it didn't come as surprise really. Leave it to his father, The Great Detective of the East to know when he was trying to figure something out.

Turning away, Toshi shook his head. "No, it's nothing."

Shinichi looked a little concerned, "are you sure?" When his son nodded, Shinichi stood up and ruffled his hair. "You can tell me later, okay." Walking to the door, Shinichi stopped in the doorway, looking back to his son with his hand held out. "Come on, dinner's ready."

Toshi's eyes widened with excitement as he placed his book on the nightstand beside his bed and hopped off his bed to run to his father. Shinichi bent down to pick him up and place him on his hip and turned to walk downstairs.


Author's Note : What do you think of this? I'm not going to say much, I've got writing to do because I have no life. Hehehe... yeah, I'm happy. Anyway, until next chapter my lovelies~!!!

* MANY KISSES * AMCDeBurgh ^_~¤♡¤♡¤♡¤

Magical Deductions (Detective Conan/Magic Kaito Fanfic)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin