Chapter 1 - Shoes

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New story idea I am messing with. My focus is on the Tryst sequel, Endeavor, but I thought I would try this idea for a romance on the side. So here is the sneak preview to my story...


Chapter 1

“Julia, what are you thinking?”

My therapists ringing tone has me wanting to roll my eyes, and I can’t help thinking that getting away from her will be a plus when it comes to leaving the state.

“Shoes,” I hum, hiding my secret smirk.

I eye my shiny, brand new Loubutin’s that I purchased only yesterday.

“Shoes?” she questions, and I can tell she isn’t getting it. 

“Yes. Shoes.” I let my eyes rise from the patent black heel, with its rounded toe, and the mesmerizing red that peeks form the sole. “Aren’t they wonderful?” my tone wistful, only because these shoes are the key to by new found determination. 

I wiggle my feet. My therapist peers over her trendy black rimmed glasses down at my impulsive buy.

She goes wide eyed in what I can only guess is a mixture of appreciation and shock. I mean, she can’t be more than five years older than me, she has to understand their beauty.

“Julia, did you just buy those?" She obviously disapproves.

I let out an unlady like grunt as I fall back into her plush leather sofa, folding my arms over my (also) newly purchased white ruffle blouse from Bloomingdales. I hesitate rolling my eyes, because I know she isn’t going to like what I have to say, and I also know I shouldn’t mention how much I forked over for them either. So worth it.

“Yes. I wanted to finally do something for myself. I’ve always wanted a pair.” I chew my lip, getting anxious. “I bought them after I dumped my boyfriend, and placed a call to my uncle in New York.” I may not like the woman, but I can’t look her in the eye. Her audible gasp has my stomach plummeting, and I am tempted to get defensive and call her unprofessional. Deep breaths.

“Julia, I thought we talked about this.”

I gulp down, feeling the brimming worry and guilt I had felt after dumping Tyler. Doesn’t she understand that I had to do it. I had to set myself free.

“I know.” My tone is clipped.

“We talked about making rash decisions.”

My eyes shut at hearing her words, and the sounds burn through my body like poison, and I scratch at my arms, feeling uneasy. Everyone always gets a say in my life, it seems.

Slowly I open my eyes, locking onto her sympathetic, yet judgmental blue orbs, and I cannot help my pleading tone. “I’ve never made a rash decision in my life! I dated the same boy since I was seventeen, went to my fathers alma mater, and even took a job in my hometown. I never wanted most of that.” I worry I am trying to convince myself rather than the woman I paying an obscene amount of money by the hour.

“I thought we decided to take this one step at a time, though? What made you change your mind since our last session?”

I bite back my quivering lip. I know she won’t understand, no one will, no one does.

“I couldn’t take it.”

“What do you mean?” her tone feels patronizing, but I know its me, and my eyes fall back to my sexy black heels, and the sight of them lifts my spirit, be it slight.

“When he said ‘I love you’, I knew it wasn’t fair anymore.”

My therapist lets out a long drawn out breath. “Now what about New York?”

I offer a lazy shrug. “The job is there, waiting for me.”

“This is what you want?”

I fidget in my seat as I speak. “Undoubtedly. I need to live my life, and these shoes are just the beginning.”

She hums her lack of understanding, and in that moment I realize I don’t care what anyone thinks. She won’t understand. And no one has to.

“So, all in one day you dump your boyfriend, decide to skip to a different state, and rationalize the whole thing by your shoes?”

My eyes light up as I finally reveal an honest, gleeful grin, be it a crazy one. “Exactly.”



Okay, I know it is a teeny-tiny preview, but I have had the beginning of this story in my head forever and I just wanted to get it out there. I know it's short, but what are your thoughts? Do you like it? Hate it? I have a big, fun, flirtatious storyline planned for this! Do you want more? Let me know ;)

Thanks for reading <3

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