Why hello

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HEY IT'S A!! Do all the fan stuff !!:);


"Lighten up!" I groan as I feel the soft punch on my shoulder. Amber looked at me with her large green eyes. I smiled but only slightly. It's been two years since Jay left. Life has lost its spark. I struggle with every day. Waking up knowing he's not their is nearly to much to bare. Mr.Carr, Jays father, moved away a month later without any notice. My mother tells me to get over him, that friends come and go. But it's not true, at least not with Jay. I feel like theirs a large hole right in the middle of my heart, a hole so large it seems to consume me. At first after he left, I stayed in room, sobs, and tears. I had a horrible bout of depression my body shut down. I wanted an end. So I tried cutting myself. My mom found me in my bed bleeding to death. Unfortunately I survived. With a trial I was put on suicide watch. That was over now though.

"Alex? Earth to Alex." Amber says looking at me closely. Her freckles in my face.

"Huh?" I answer she smiles. Amber was my only friend really. Everyone was to scared to be around me. They thought I was weird, and emo.

"Let's go shopping!" her voice squeals and her eye lite up. I smile again halfheartedly. She takes no notice and stands me up. Her eyes flicker across my clothing. Jokingly she adds. "You need it!" she twirls in her slim flowery dress. Her red hair danced like fire. I hear the clicking of heels as she walks out of my room. I promised Jay i wouldn't remodel until he was back, if ever. I look around at the old blue walls. My eyes stop at a picture. Of me and Jay. It was when we were eleven at Great Wolf Lodge. I smile. That was a fun summer. Me and Jay both agreed that the best animal was the wolf. I close my eyes and remember what he said to me while we were their.



"You know. If I could become any animal, it would be the wolf." he smiled brightly at me. Electricity in his blue eyes. I look at the photo booth.

"Me too. Hey let's get a picture." I answer fastly, not really noticing what he said. I feel my face get hot. I've never asked to take a picture with him. He smiled charmingly. Then looked at the wolf in the window. It was large and furry. It looked real though it was only a stuffed toy. His eyes looked at it admiringly.

"It's such a beautiful creature." he smiles. "To be free. How amazing to be able to howl in the light of the moon. Run free!" he kept rambling. It scared me how he seemed to be in a trance.

"Jay?" I ask him, he shakes his head and looks at me. His eyes were electrified again.

"Let's take the picture! Race you their!" I smile a challenge.


I blink feeling my smile fade. He was gone. I feel a sob rise in my throat I swallow. Slowly I let my mind wander. The kiss. My heart beat sped up a little. I felt all my love for him go into that kiss.

"Alex! Come on! The clothes are waiting!" Amber wasn't a girly girl, normally. She had her moments. I trudge out of my room. Within minutes I was in the car music blaring. Suddenly I heard mine and Jays favorite song. Viva La Vida. I close my eyes. I hear Amber reach to change it. She knew how much it hurt me. But I wanted to feel the pain. I wanted to remember that he did exist.

"No. Please." I say opening my eyes she looks at me shocked but doesn't turn it off. I close my eyes and lay my head on the window. I felt its cool glass on my head.

"I used to rule the world." the words rang out I shut my eyes tighter and tense up. "The seas would rise when I gave the word." I feel the sob again. Suddenly the car screeches to a stop. I'm thrown forward. Pain shoots through my stomach.

"What?" I yell. Ambers eyes are glued outside the window. I freeze. My heart beats. The music is only in the background. Outside the car was a beautiful silver wolf. It's blue eyes were electrifying. I was merzmerized. I feel my breath leave my body as It lifts its head. A large howl sounds. I feel something flutter within me. "Beautiful." I whisper. The wolf looks at me. Then suddenly it's running into the trees. I look over hoping to see it again, but it was gone. Just like Jay. I silently curse myself for thinking that. Amber begins driving again.

"I didn't know that their were wolves in Oregon." she says breaking the silence.

"I guess their is." I say still tensed. I close my eyes again, my mind spinning.

I sigh as I see the large mall.

Ambers had me try on almost everything in every store. My feet ached. I was honestly tired. My eye lids wanted to close. I wanted to sleep. Amber had me going to one more store. Hollister. It was a strange place, I mean really over priced clothes and pictures of people kissing. Ugh. My head is instantly hit with the scent of perfume. I nearly choke. It was dim. Ambers eyes light up. I look at the baggy sweatpants, my style. I look a the navy blue ones, that had a large green gull and the words "Hollister Co". My eyes flash over at the price. $30!!

"Thirty dollars my-" I was cut off when I felt a pat on my shoulder. I growl. But turn around. The pricing has put me in a bad mood. Instantly Im pulled into a hug. I feel my breath be squeezed out of me. Who had the nerve- suddenly he's facing me. I gasp. My breath hasn't returned and it wouldn't for a bit. Shock fills me. My stomach flutters. I try to talk but I can't. His eyes were blue, electrifying blue. My heart then stopped. I recognized him. It was Jay.

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