"Y-You're so cute when you're blushing." He almost instantly turned red, making me giggle.

"Well, you are too." I whispered. My whisper was a lot louder than trying to talk with no voice. Eren's bush turned into a dark red. Was he embarrassed or something to talk to me? I giggled a little more before I heard the door open. I couldn't really see who was coming in.

"Eren?" I asked.

"Yeah (y/n)?" He kindly replied.

"Who's coming in?" He turned around and looked at the door. I felt a completely different atmosphere in the room. It went from happiness to outrage. "Who is it Eren?" I tried to speak but my voice was clearly gone. I squeezed his had to get his attention. He turned around and looked at me.

"It's Mason." He irritatedly spoke. "You wanna see him?" I didn't know what to say. Do I say yes and piss off Eren, or do I say no and potentially piss off Mason... The real question is who should I anger?

"Umm..." I mumbled to myself. Since my reply didn't come quickly, Mason just entered the room and ran to my left side. He took my left hand and looked at me as if he was worried. I honestly didn't believe that he was being sincere. I think there was something he wanted... But what?

"I was so worried!" He worriedly spoke. It sounded to genuine to be true... I was a little hesitant.

"You were?"

"Of course babe." Did he just call me... Babe? After we broke up? What's wrong with him? People don't do that... Unless...

"I thought you to were over?" I heard Eren growl. He was extremely pissed off. I didn't even know that he could get this angry. He squeezed my hand tightly in a protective manner. I squeezed back.

"We were. But I wanna ask her something, if you don't mind Jaeger..." Mason moved his head, making a clear suggestion for Eren to leave. Eren gently squeezed my hand again and left the room to wait outside. I watched him march out quickly and turned to face Mason.

"What do you want?" I softly asked.

"I was acting rash the other day." He confessed. "I was not myself and I should've trusted you when you said you went to the park alone. I'm sorry." I honestly didn't expect that out of him. He's really headstrong and doesn't really believe he should apologize for anything.

"Apology accepted." I whispered.

"Good. Now, what I really wanted to ask," oh God he's seriously gonna ask... "will you be my girlfriend once more?" I looked down at my cast, refusing to make eye contact with him.

"Can I ask something back real quick?"


"Why?" There was a strong silence in the room as I waited for a response.
Eren's POV
I sat in the closest chair near (y/n)'s hospital room listening in on her and Mason's conversation. I couldn't help it! I wanted to know what's going on! Plus I wanted to make sure that he wasn't going to do anything weird to her. She's been through a lot and probably doesn't really want him there, so I felt like I was on stand by.

"Can I ask something real quick?" I heard (y/n) speak.

"Anything." I heard Mason say with fake concern.

"Why?" After (y/n) spoke that one word, silence filled the air. It was thick, yet weak and waiting to be broken. I was on the edge of my seat waiting for an answer as well. He didn't respond, at least I couldn't hear him say anything. After a little more silence, I heard him whisper something to her that I can barely make out.

"I... Don't want to be alone." He whispered. In my opinion, he sounded hesitant like he didn't mean what he was saying.

"I'm sorry Mason," I heard (y/n)'s broken voice, "but you made your decision and cut things off. It's not that easy to break things off and then get back together. It takes time to heal from a breakup. It something you need to do and something I need to do. I don't think going into a relationship would be the best thing for us. However, that doesn't mean we don't ever see each other. We can still be friends, just not... You know."

"I... I understand." Mason didn't sound all that upset or anything. His voice sounded fake.

"I'm glad you do." She whispered. I felt really bad for (y/n)... She sounded so hurt, not physically, but emotionally. My heart broke a little hearing her.

As I sat listening in to their conversation, I heard some running coming towards me. I turned to look down the hall and see Levi... What was he here for? To see (y/n)? Were they close or something? I thought they were just neighbors. He got up to me, but kept running past me and quickly went into a different room. I was confused. What was going on? I got up from my chair and walked down to the hospital room two doors down from (y/n)'s. I saw something that I'd never thought I'd see:

Levi was holding the hand of an unconscious Petra... And he was crying...
(A/N): Viola! Sorry, this was kinda rushed and I didn't know what to do. Any ideas? 😆 What do you think is wrong with Petra?

Also, school is starting tomorrow for me, so the updates might be a little slower. Sorry! 😓

Stay awesome!

(P.S. If you didn't read the first author's note, I published a little book that will have notes, updates and questions for you guys! Feel free to ask any in the book!)

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