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Worrying is like a rocking chair, it gives you something to do but it doesn't get you anywhere


10 years later.....

It's already midnight and all of the shops are closed. The streets and alleyways are deserted, and all of the townspeople are asleep. But farther away in the corner of the peaceful town where the light of the moon cannot reach, there a man whose back is sticking on the wall cowering like a leaf pleading and begging to a girl who's blocking him from his only exit.

"Please I beg you! Have mercy! I have a family to feed! They-!" the man said but everything he says becomes deaf in the young girl's ear.

"Sorry sir. Just doing my job" the young girl said with a nonchalant voice, slowly mists enveloped them. Screams and shout could be heard.

After a few more minutes the young girl went out of the dark alleyway. She was wearing a gray half mask, has rose pink hair, black t-shirt, black short shorts, and black soldier boots.

"Mission accomplished sir.-"she said reporting the full detail of her mission.

"From the looks of it you're done with your mission, yes?" A girl said having neck-length dark blue hair bangs are parted into three strands, skin is fair, and is wearing a dark blue half mask, she's wearing a black v neck t-shirt with black sleeveless leather jacket, black skirt, and black boots.

"What are you doing here Pharaoh and Empress?" I asked the two.

"Chill out Queen, or would you rather be called 'Unpredictable Queen' " the boy said coolly. He has brown hair with two pointed edges at the sides and a single bang hanging over his forehead he's wearing a dark red half mask his clothes consist of a black fitted t-shirt, sleeves leather jacket, black pants, and black sneakers.

"Sigh... Again what are you doing here 'Unbeatable Pharaoh' and 'Untouchable Empress'"now calling them by their titles mists starting to envelope the young girl called 'Queen'.

"Woah! Calm down, we just finished our mission" Pharaoh exclaimed.

"Hmmm... Is that so, well then if you'll excuse me I'll be going now since we still have school tomorrow, or more precisely later" Queen said turning around and started walking away.

"You know where to meet right?" Empress shouted. Queen just waved her hand as if signaling that she understood.


It's early in the morning and students are going early to school to do their morning activities and go to their clubs. Everyone at the Raimon Soccer Club is all present, everyone except for their captain.

"Hey, everyone has anyone of you have seen the captain?" Tenma asked his teammates looking around at the soccer field.

"No, I don't think so" Kazemaru said noticing their captains absences.

"This is very unusual of him" Shindou added.

"I wonder what's happening on captain lately, he's not been his usual self" Kurimatsu added and before anyone could say anything else their coach went to them.

"Ok that's enough practice for now, we'll continue it after class" their coach Hibiki said and all of them started going to the club room to change in their uniforms and headed towards their class.

MEANWHILE..... (Endou Mamoru P.O.V)

'Oh man! Oh man! I'm late!' I thought and run faster.

IE: Neochildren by Kirihime (Originally by BlackCarmella)Where stories live. Discover now