Prologue: The Girl Who Lived

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It was a dark, silent night. No one was awake, no one at all. Except for a certain tabby cat, perched quite stiffly upon a landscape. It had unique markings around its eyes, and even though it was dark (somewhere around midnight), her yellow eyes could be seen glistening in the moonlight.

It seemed to be waiting. Waiting for someone to come. It waited, waited, and waited. It barely moved, in fact, it hadn't moved at all since earlier that day, when it silently watched the Manor that sat perched on top of a hill. That was the very Manor that the cat was sitting upon, now.

Roar. There's was suddenly a loud, deafening roar that pierced through the the silent air. It was sudden, but still, the cat hadn't even flinched. It was simply unaware of its surroundings.

A silhouette could be seen in the moonlight, gradually coming closer to the ground. Roar. It was a motorcycle! A flying motorcycle, plain as day (or night), in the sky. Who would've thought!

It landed with a loud thud. The massiveness of the light blue bike was nothing compared to the man on it.

Tall as a lamppost, maybe even taller, the giant was 3 times broader than the average man. He had bushy, uncombed, hair, with a bushy mane as well, which covered most of his face except for his beady eyes. His rubber boots squeaked as little as he got off of the motorcycle, and into a puddle.

In his arms, a baby lay. She was fast asleep, layered in a bundle of warm blankets. Up close, you could see a lightning shaped scar on her neck. It looked fresh, like it had just happened a little while ago.

Meanwhile, the cat, who had noticed the giant's presence, walked slyly toward him, seemingly fearless.

And, quite suddenly, the cat had dissapeared, and was replaced by a gray-haired lady. With thin lips, she wore a stern expression upon her face, her neat bun covered by a unusual type of hat.

"Hello there, Professor. Gla' ter see ya came!"

"Hello, Hagrid. I hope you and the baby got back safely."

"Slep' the whol' way here, Professor McGonagall."

"Great. So-is it... true? Is she really dead?"

"Yes'm. I'm afraid it is."

"Oh, my. Aquara Tyson, greatest entamentalist alive, dead. Killed by Lord Vindictus, I suppose?"

"Yes, professor. And yer righ'. Ain' nowhere in the worl' a greater elementalis' better'n her. She was a legend."

"Oceana will be one, too." McGonagall turned her attention to the baby in Hagrid's arms. Give her here. I want to get this over with. No time to waste."

Hagrid carefully handed Oceana to McGonagall, who, also carefully, lay the basket in which the baby was in down on the doorstep. She with took a letter from a pocket inside her cloak, and placed it on her abdomen. She kissed two of her fingers ad put it to Oceana's forehead.

"Be safe, little one." She whispered.

Professor McGonagall stood, turned around, and pulled out a thin slab of wood.

"Would you like to travel with me, Hagrid?"

"Nah, I gotta return this ol' motorcycle ter Harry anyway's."

"Have it your way then." She watched as Hagrid restarted the engine loudly.

"Well, I'll be seein' ya soon, then, Professor." He raised up into the sky, and flew. McGonagall waited until Hagrid was the size of her palm (ironically) to leave herself.

With a wave of the thin slab of wood, McGonagall dissapeared into thin air, leaving no trace whatsoever of her presence.

Well, except for baby Oceana, sleeping on the doorstep.

"To Oceana Tyson, the Girl Who Lived!" Wizards and witches all around the world chanted. In secret of course.

Oceana never knew at the time she would be a living legend, but soon, in time, she would figure it out.

Srry it's so short, but it is kind of just the prologue, so the next chapters will be super long, I promise.

I hope I'm good at writing fantasies. Comment down below what you think!

Kitty Kat OUT!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2016 ⏰

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