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*skipinng ti the part when Hermiome comes*

Rons POV

I was playing Wizards chess with Fred(he sucks at it so Gorge was there to help)"Checkmate"i said.I knew i was going to win.Fred wasabiut to make his move when we heard a knock at the door."Its Hermione!!"i said quickly getting up to answere the door.I opened the door,and there stood Hermione still as beautiful as I remembered."Hi Ron!"Hermione said,as she entered the room.Even though Ron had never confessed to her ,he had always liked Hermione,but was always to afraid to tell her.Hermione took a seat in the living room where Feed,and i were playing chess."So whose winning?I bet a Galleon on Ron"Said Hermione.Ron couldnt help but to blush a little."Thanks Mione"I said sitting back down to finish the game.

At the end Ron won."YES!i knew he would win!!he always does!!"Said Hermione.Fred and Gorge lolked at her.After all Hermione had just screamed."oops sorry bout that"Said Hermione after she had noticed that she screamed.Fred and Gorge left leaving me and Hermione alone.I hated when that happened.It was so awkward we wouldnt talk until someone broke the silence.I was thinking that i should tell her i loved her,but then Hermione broke the silence."So hows your summer been Ron"She said."Oh its know..-er-ok i guess...i mean nothing exiting has really happened"i said still looking at her.Silence fell upon us once more.Mes.Weasley cane storming in the room."Oh goodie your here Hermione glad you've made it"Said Mrs.Weasley shaking Hermione's hand."Dinner will be ready in a minute go to the table please"she added before going back to the kitchen.Ron was exited he loved to eat.Hermione always seemed to try to stop him from eating,but His love for food will never fade(😜lol)They went to the kitchen to find Ginny,Fred,and Gorge already sitting."What took you two so long?"said Ginny.

Ginny's POV

Ron and Hermione entered the kitchen .Ron had told me that he had a crush on Hermione.Hermione had told me that she had a crush on Ron.After that I attempt to tell Hermione what Ron told me,but I couldn't seem to tell her."What took you two so long?"I asked giving a little giggle under my breath."Nothing"Said Ron,and Hermione at the same time.Ron took a seat next to Fred,and Hermione took a seat next to me."What did you two talk about?"i asked her so only she could hear me."Sadly nothing"she responded.Mrs.Weasley briught the dinner to the table."Alriggt eat up!!"she said putting the food on the table.

i hope u didnt think that was tooooo long.sorry if i soelled words wrong i was typing really fast.Well hooed it didnt suck😁

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