Chapter 1:The new Guys Trip

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A Young bold Barbarian stepped into an unknown magical Forest,when he stumbles into a busy and bumbling area,Filled with the sounds of anticipant shouting. Behind him is the small red Building which he has Just been push out of,glowing with a fierce yellow light.He has no memory of before this moment.,Looking around he See's other similar fantastical creatures.They are all coursing with anticipation.Not knowing that everything here was built for the sole purpose of fighting.

You glance around and realise you are on the out skirts of a small village. There are jagged purple walls encompassing it,preventing him from seeing inside.How ever, the menacing structures topped with angry purpled-haired women or blue robed men that you can make him out within the village

The brutes with yellow hair running around and aimlessly seem to be exact replicas of him.
"Suddenly there is screaming.Explosions surround and defence. Warriors are streaming out of nothingness behind me,throwing themselves separately at the many wall of the village. They have no regard for there lives.
The cacophony of sounds sends him to his knees.
" What is happening " he screamed, A fiery ball arcs over his head and lands on a large group of purple haired women,taking them out instantly. All around is chaos.
Men,Women and creatures alike are attacking the village,and he has know idea what to do."Am I supposed to Join them and face a certain death.In a panic,he turns around and flee into the forest.

To be Continued
Chapter 2 coming soon

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2016 ⏰

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