Not The End (Chapter 9)

Start from the beginning

And with that my mom left the room. Isaac a few minutes later came in and just sat on his bed. He ran his fingers through his hair and placed his elbows on his thighs. I walked over to his bed and sat next to him.

"I'm sorry Elouis, I didn't mean for all of this to happen" he started.

I slowly put my finger over his mouth and shook my head. I was trying to tell him to just be quiet and not worry about it. He knew I had to leave. He heard it all. Who wouldn't? My mom was speaking so loud. We both stared at each other for a long 3 seconds which felt like a minute. He grabbed my hand and kissed my forehead where he hit me by mistake. I closed my eyes and let the tears fall as he pulls me in for a hug. I grip his shirt tightly and he hugs me tighter.


A few hours later, I was finishing up packing when my mom came back and told me she has withdrawn me from the school. With that said, she left the room again and told me she'd wait for me down in the lobby. Alex, Mark, and Zack were nowhere to be seen. Isaac was just sitting there with a sad expression. His beautiful eyes grew darker tonight.

"Hey..." I said softly.

He pulled me into his lap and I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Elouis..I'm sorry for everything I've caused you. The punch, the treating you like crap when you first came here, and I'm truly not the same guy I was months ago. Beatriz was just saying that because she was mad that I didn't want to do anything with her." he said with a worried face.

"Shh..I know, don't worry about it anymore" I whispered.

"I like you..a lot! I feel like I'm in love with you, but I wanted to wait for the right moment to say it. I don't want you to forget about me in New York. I want you to call me, and text me whenever you can. I'll be done in a year and I'll go to you." he said with assurance.

His beautiful words brought me to tears. Who would've known that this man I met a month ago was going to be the man I fell in love with? It all started by my cellphone. Iv'e never been more glad to lose my cellphone before. I cried on his chest.

"Stop crying now, you should go before your mom comes back up here and throws a fit, or never lets me see you again." he said chuckling.

I laughed a little and stood up. As he walked towards my suit case to carry it for me, I opened the door and there was Susan.

"Susan.." I said with a surprise.

"Hey I-"

I quickly pulled her into a hug.

"I'm so so so sorry for everything, please be my friend again!" I said really fast.

She laughed a little and hugged me back.

"I'm sorry too for not listening to you before. Alex is sober now and he explained everything to me and told me where to find you. I heard you were going back to New York" she said her face getting sad.

"Yeah, I have to..but I'll come visit and call you all the time! Don't forget you're my first California friend" I said with a smile.

We both laughed and hugged each other again. She told me she'd see me down in the lobby to wave me goodbye, and with that she was out the door.

"You ready?" Isaac asked me.

"Yeah" I said with a nod and smile.

We both walked down to the elevator. All the way down we were holding hands and I knew in a few seconds I was going to have to let go. When the elevator doors finally opened up, my mom was there, Alex, Mark, and Zack, Susan, the manager man, everyone was there. Even some peers of mine from my classes.

They all said their goodbyes to me, some commented on how shocked they were that I was a girl, and some said that it was awesome. When Alex approached me, Isaac stood in front of me and Alex looked at him.

"Yo man listen, I'm sorry about everything. I didn't do it on purpose." he said.

I nudged Isaac and gave him a look as if to say "make up with Alex already." They patted each others backs and I smiled at Isaac. My mother signaled me a "let's go" and I waved to everyone. The lady from the counter quickly came up to me.

"I knew there was something about you. Good luck child." she said returning to her desk.

Isaac and I turned to each other and I didn't know whether to kiss him or just leave. I didn't want my mom or anyone else to see me. Just as I was going to make up my mind, I hear honking.

" mom is so annoying. I'll text you." I told him.

He kissed my hand, and I left running to the car with my suitcase. I sat in the back seat and looked through the tinted windows, wanting to cry.

"Goodbye California." I said trying to smile.

Just at that moment, when we were already headed for the airport I got a text message.

"I already miss you, don't forget about me. I'll see you soon in New York. Love, Isaac."

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