Taming Your Mouth

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     "Come on Anderson, you can take the heat!" Suzu said, with as much fiery passion as the peppers. But I really can't take the heat. My mouth was on fire. Saliva was threatening to drip out of my mouth. I never know why I agree to these things. It made my girlfriend happy that I enjoyed partaking in her pepper eating. While she enjoyed this, I was always dying and trying not to throw up. Suzu always went on about "having to tame your mouth", we've been dating for two years and I still die every time I attempt to eat a pepper.

     "Okay Anderson, this is the last pepper," Suzu said with an amused grin as she looked down at me. Based solely on that mischievous look, I realized I need to eat this pepper.

     "Wh-what is it?" I asked, trying to mask the nervousness in my voice. So many peppers today have ruined my tastebuds. So I need the name so I can prepare myself for what's going to be written on my grave.

     "It's called Big Bomb," Suzu said, obvious not realizing that she could be the reason for my death.

     "Oh, okay..." I said even though my voice of reason was screaming not to. Suzu dropped the round ruby pepper in my hand. Suzu must've noticed my wild nerves because her face changed from smirking to looking sincere.

     "It's not that hot, I promise." She said, looking straight at me. Her eyes had no hint of mischief, so I trusted her.

     That was a mistake. My mouth felt like it was up in flames. Drool was dripping down my chin. Somehow I managed to swallow the bomb, but that only made it worse. I opened my mouth so I could have both of my hands frantically in the air fanning my mouth.

     "Get something to ease the pain." I panted out the words to Suzu. She looked around for something to help me but came up empty handed.

     Suzu looked over at my pain struck face, then looked down. When I turned my head to look at her, my lips crashed into hers. Our kiss deepened with every coming second. Suzu snaked her hand around to grasp onto and handful of my hair. My hand reached up to cup her cheek. The fire in my mouth was tamed, but the fire in my heart grew even stronger.

     Suzu leaned back, ending the kiss. Both of us were panting as if we ran a marathon. The amount of sweat the pepper made me protrude I would believe it. She licked her lips, silently taunting me to do more.

     "Maybe we should start with baby steps when it comes to you eating peppers," Suzu said with a smirk upon her lips.

     "That's what someone logical would do," I said, knowing my sarcasm would get her worked up.

     "Hey!" She said and lightly punched my arm. A laugh escaped me. She was so cute when she was flustered. Suzu's face scrunched before she started to laugh along with me.

     Later that night, while I was lying beside a dead asleep Suzu. I couldn't help but think to myself, even though that pepper might've caused me a lot of pain, it lead to pleasure in the end. A small smile was on my face as I peacefully drifted into sleep.

By the way, this is the end of the story so there is no "To be continued.

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