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When I finally woke up from being knocked out I realized I was tied up to a chair with tape still on my mouth but no blindfold

I look at my surroundings and saw I was in a small room with nothing but a bed and a chair. Which I am currently sitting in right now. I could hear voices outside the small room. I heard the door knob click as if someone just unlocked it. My theory was right. A tall looking dude with blonde hair and a average height girl with brownish brackish hair made their  way towards me. "I see your awake" he said with a smirk on his face. I didn't say anything due to the tape over my mouth. "I see that you don't remember us" she stated. With that she ripped the tape off my mouth. I don't mean like when your trying to take a bandaid off a dude with hairy ass legs and you try to be as careful as possible. No I don't mean like ththat. She literally ripped it off and I think she ripped my lips off to.

Anyway back to the topic. I screamed when I felt the pain. All they did was stand there and smile. "What the hell is your problem" I yelled. Both of them laughed "your seriously don't remember us" she siad. "No I dont" I said angrily.  "Two words 'our brother' " he said. With that I remember. I even think a lightbulb showed on top of my head. My eyes widened. "So You do remember out dear brother" she said with a smile on her face that I just wanted to slap off. I obviously couldn't right now due to the fact that I'm tied up like if I was an dog. But in our generation most dogs are treated like royalty.

"No I don't remember your brother" I lied. Obviously I remember their brother he was my first boyfriend and when I broke up with him he tried to commit suicide. When I tried to stop him he stabbed me with the knife he was holding. I ended up in the hospital. They moved away and I haven't seen them in 3 years, I was 13 okay. "Oh don't lie You b*tch, You know perfectly that you almost killed my brother 3 years ago. "That wasn't my fault" I yelled. "So you do remember us you b*tch" she screamed. I really think that I jumped a little.

She took out a knife from her pocket and without even thinking it she stabbed me arm. I yelled in pain. They laughed  and with that they left. I could still feel the pain in my arm.


I opened my eye lids and saw the Sun was out. I heard the door knob click and my heart started pacing faster and faster. Instead of dumb and dumber yes I did just name my ex boyfriends siblings. Anyway instead if them walking in a, girl that looked like she was was my age walked in.

"Um...hi I brought you this" she said while showing me a tray with some food on it. I smiled and wondered who she was. "Who are you" I asked. Before she could say anything someone yelled at her. "Anahi get over here now" a male voice yelled and I'm guessing it was dumb. "Hurry up" a squeaky voice yell and I pretty sure that was dumber.

"I got to go" she said before running to the door and leaving.

Minutes later dumber walked in. "Are you having fun there" she laughed at the fact that I was trying to escape from the rope. "We have a surprise for you" she said with a smile on her face. I pretty sure the surprise wasn't a huge box with a present inside. She untied my legs which were tied to the chair but left my hands tied. Since the weren't attached to the chair.

We walked out the room and into a room across the hall. I took thus chance to look were all the Windows and doors were at.

We walked into the room and she sat me down on a chair. "What exactly are we doing here if I may ask" I said. All she did was smile. All I saw in the room was a rope hanging from the ceiling.

A/n- next chapter tomorrow

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