B.W Ch 2

201 6 1

Ch 2

Wednesday August 28

The next day, I woke up all giddy and restless. I couldn't get any sleep last night, knowing that today I was preparing to see Tom Felton. I got dressed, brushed my teeth, and washed my face and started packing for tomorrow. I still couldn't get over the fact that I was really going to meet Tom. I was still asking myself all these questions. What's planned for the day? Is it a surprise? Will he even like me? What if something goes wrong?

I snapped out of my thoughts as I started throwing everything in my suitcase. I packed my most important thing: My camera. I am NOT going to miss out on taking pictures in London; It was just a beautiful city. I grabbed my iPhone and put on some music. I turned my phone over and admired the case my sister bought me; It had a mint green outline that framed the edges of the phone and a clear back that had a gold horcruxe in the middle of it. I finished packing and zipped up my suitcase. I pulled out my phone and unplugged myself from my music. I dialed Sarah's number.

"Hey girrrrl, or should I say,"Mrs. Felton!" She teased. I did nothing but roll my eyes, but I still couldn't help but smile.

"Shut up! I'm just some girl ok? Nothing special. Just a lucky person who gets to spend time with him," I said, decrescendoing every word. I really hope he likes me. But then there is Sarah, who is always saying EVERYONE likes me. She over exaggerates...a lot.

"Nuh uh! Okay let's see what time is it at your place...Hm...ooh 5:00! Perfect! What time does your flight leave tomorrow?"

"Um...my flight leaves at 10. Ugh...at least I get there early. Time change kills me you know," I said exasperated.

"Oh you and time change! Come on you've been here before! It didn't take you that long did it?" I could feel her smug grin behind the phone.

"Yeah when I was 12! I don't live there you annoying pest," I said jokingly.

"Ehehe you love me. Anyway back to what I was saying, you need something hot to wear for your day!" She exclaimed. I facepalmed. Oh Sarah how do I put up with you?

"No. No. No. Just no please don't do-"

"NOPE. FaceTime me and go through your closet and I'll be your judge. Go on!" And hung up. I sighed heavily and FaceTimed her.

"Ok. Now go go go! Pick out something hot! But not something that says slut..." I rolled my eyes.

"Oh well thanks," I said, my voice going into a monotone vibe. I went to grab something that I thought would look well together but I was poorly mistaken, by Sarah's eyes though.

"Oh hell no! Too middle school! Show off some flesh will ya?!" I groaned as I went to put it back and grab another.

After for what seemed like hours of Sarah saying no to my outfits, we finally had a winner.

"Yes! that's the one! He'll love that!" She said. I sighed in relief to see what I had picked. In all honesty, I got so tired from doing this, I just threw something together that caught my eye and thought looked good, not putting any detail into it. I picked out high-waisted shorts that stopped about 2 inches below the middle of my stomach. I picked a shirt that was black and a soft material. It had holes in the short sleeves to show off shoulder that said, "Go Away Muggle" on the front, and a Harry Potter glasses sign on the back. Although I did love the outfit she picked out, I felt like I was dressing as a high schooler.

"Ok...not that I don't love it, which I do, don't you think it's too...you know...'high school?'" I asked. Sarah frowned and said no.

"Nah you're fine! This is for the man of your dreams after all! Ok so...shoes...go with your mint green high-top converse or your black small heeled ankle boots. Oh and take the black purse with the stringy things hanging off from it," She said. I felt like I was in a fashion show. Usually, my outfits consisted of a t-shirt, regular shorts and my tennis shoes. But this was a special occasion.

After picking out my outfit for Friday, Sarah and I both said goodbye. I checked my phone to see what time it was and I read 6:00. I raised my eyebrows. It took 3 freaking hours?! It takes 2 to get to the airport! This not including traffic. I groaned and went to go find something quick to eat. Luckily in New York everything is right there with you. I grabbed my purse and jogged out of my apartment thinking,'Oh Sarah, I hope your theory was right...'


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