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~Chapter 12: It's a Date~

Luhan enters my room surprised to see me already awake and dressed for today's lesson. I stare back just as surprised as he is, I would usually never wake up this early on my own.

Until today at least.

I woke up hoping that I'd be awake before Jongin, but of course I wasn't. When I opened my eyes, my bed was empty of the other body, and my hand was lying there holding nothing but the air. So I woke up feeling somewhat dejected first thing this morning. I wanted to find out what had happened, yet the boy was still faster and managed to leave without me knowing.

Just as fast and silent as when he arrived.

"You were awake early." Luhan says as we stand in the moist grass of the yard.

"Mm." I hum in agreeance. He casts me a look, but thankfully drops the subject. I don't need another person to explain myself to. Now, we get to move on to our next lesson. Behavior in public.

"Today, I have decided that you have passed your first lesson of posture. We will now move on to the next lesson." He says as he circles me, his hands clasped behind his back. I stand with my hand propped on my hip and stare into space bored. My choreographed position, showing an accurate depiction of my feelings this morning.

Looks like the posture torture paid off.

"This lesson will be rarely used, but it is probably one of the most important. How you carry yourself around a mixture of people in public will dictate all they need to know about your status. Which is?" he inquires.

"That I am the beginning. I am the ultimate. I am one of the first beings on Earth and they are beneath me. I am to be respected. I am woman." I reply mechanically. He nods and continues to leisurely walk around me.

"Keep that in mind. As a human woman you are in fact what both man and the Gaia came from. You are the most valuable thing on the planet." He says. I nod in confirmation. "Now, the Gaia attend school and they are aware of social status since it is taught to them from a young age; however, if you don't prove to them that you are important, they will walk over you." He stops in front of me. "That being said, you still have to greet and address them respectfully. They are more powerful than you, and they outnumber you so they can and will kill you if given enough reason."

"How do you know all of this?"

"I worked closely with the Queen and she liked to teach some of her Charmers things from time to time." He says. I open my mouth to ask another question, but he starts to pace and talk again, thoroughly cutting me off. "If you don't treat other humans and Charmers the way that the Gaia deem acceptable then you are no better off. You are weak and you won't survive if you come off that way. Since you can't fight very well, you're too emotional, and you aren't very bright, the only thing you have to prove yourself as a person of power is your attitude." I frown at the statement. Ouch. He smiles. "No offense. You and I both know you can't truly deny it though." He says.

He's right, as much as it hurts to hear from him. I'm not a fighting master, I only know a couple of offensive and defensive tricks, and they aren't fool proof either. Against someone else with the slightest training I'd be helpless. I never went to school passed the age of 10 and I know nothing about this world, so in terms of smarts...I'm also fairly pathetic.

I pout and Luhan stops in front of me again. "Hey, I'm not trying to hurt your feelings, but this is what I'm talking about. You can't let your emotions show, or let them cloud over your decisions. When you're in there, you're surrounded by people who want to break you down. You have to be able to show that they neither intimidate you, nor affect you." I sigh and put my blank face back on. "Good." He praises. "Luckily, we can use your heart and attitude to our advantage."

Seven | Book 1 (An EXO fiction)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz