I looked down when he mentioned Vis, I still feel bad about what I did to him, but nonetheless I was upset that he was planning to keep me there the whole time. But still I was wondering what he must think about me now. "I'm alright, hopefully he will understand why I did it." I tell them. "Not to sound rude but... it was kind of bad ass." Sam says, nodding at me. While I look at him and smile while shaking my head. I look back at them and turn around to continue walking, but before that Steve calls out again. "Wanda, I want to introduce you to my long time friend," He says while turning around looking back. "This is Bucky, Bucky this is Wanda also a friend." I looked at... Bucky and smiled giving him a nod. However, he walked towards me and gave me an almost non existent smile and extended his hand. "Hi." I was dumbfounded for a second. Amazed how polite he was, in comparison to what I thought he would be like. Which led me to simply staring at him for about 3 seconds before I reacted. "Hi," I reply back mentally shaking my head thinking how dry that had sounded. "So... what's your thing?" He asked me. Probably because I look like I was here by mistake. "I move things.." I tell him, while raising my hand and sparking red energy into my fingertips,  having no clue on what to call the energy that radiates from my hands. "Pretty much she can kill you with just a small movement of her fingers." Sam says, grinning. I was about to tell him how absurd he was when Steve told us to get ready. I look back at Bucky and catch him staring at me, not with fear as many people do but with curiosity in his eyes. I ignore it and turn around and go change.

By the time everyone is ready Steve, Sam and Clint are currently talking about what strategy we should take. While Scott, Bucky and I simply stand back and let them do their thing. "A week ago I was literally sitting on my couch in front of my T.V." Scott says while chuckling, "And now I'm here across the world fighting alongside Captain America..." I shake my head at how much he idolizes Steve. While Bucky simply stares at him with a questioning look. "Yeah, and now you're about to fight the next most powerful people in the world, I don't know how that could be so exciting." I tell him. Thinking how for a couple of months after the Battle of Sokovia it was peaceful, but now we were all divided and fighting against each other. "Are you scared?" Bucky asks me. "No, I've gone through worst things, and you have too." I tell him, simply tapping into his mind and realizing how we had both being controlled by the same people. It didn't took long before he knew what I had done. Seeing me snap back the red energy coming from my fingers. "I'm really sorry, I didn't mean to. It just happened." I felt stupid for doing it, and I could see how I had made him mad. I look back towards the van and see Clint giving me a disapproving look. "Wait, so you have telepathy too? That's so cool." Scott says, making things much worse. I look at him and tilt my head. "Something like that."

"Don't do that to me." Bucky suddenly says. "You don't want to know what happened to me." I look away, feeling embarrassed and guilty. He walks away from us, while Scott continues to gush about him meeting Steve. "All right guys, let's go." Steve says.

Somehow we were all able to fit into the van, me and Bucky sitting beside each other. The whole time wondering what he meant on he not wanting me to know what happened to him. " What do you think it's going to happen?" He asks looking straight ahead "About fighting Tony and all of them?" I ask him, not sure what he meant.  He nods, "Do you think he's really going to fight Steve." I keep looking at him. "Oh I know Tony is capable of anything." I tell him, remembering what he has done to me. He looks at me expecting me to say more. "A long time ago... one of his bombs kill my parents." I expect him to look at me with pity or something but his face stays the same.

"You know, I do know what happened to you," I tell him while he suddenly looks back at me. "I mean, maybe not exactly but I did went through the same thing with Hydra, so you don't have to worry about me." I tell him, while creating a red spark in the palm of my hand on my lap. "I know, I was there, on one of the cells. I remember them talking about you and hearing your... your cries." I nod and look down at the spark flickering around my hand. From the corner of my eyes I see him looking down at me and hesitantly place his gloved hand on top of mine, which had the red spark. That now was simply engulfing our hands.

"And I will worry about you." He says, squeezing my hand.

I wanted to add these videos because they truly inspired me to write this, which I love them both.

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