Chapter 18. Make a move

Start from the beginning

"It's not exactly the ideal meal for a birthday celebration, don't you think?" I asked getting out of the elevator and heading to my door. I took the keys out of my pocket.

"You'd be lucky if I didn't poison you. You're being mean to me."She crossed her arms over her chest. "I should leave right now actually and let you spend your birthday alone."

She began to turn around but I was quick enough to grab her by the waist and bring her back to me "Nah ah ah." I said with a chuckle "You're not going anywhere."

I placed her infront of me, her back facing me while she was facing the door. My left hand was wrapped around her waist keeping her close to me and with the right one I unlocked the door.

I pushed her inside slightly and she chuckled. My hand found the light switch and I turned the lights on.


Right in the middle of my living room stood James, Chris, Stella, Demi, Charlotte and my mom. My mom was holding a birthday cake while James and Chris were holding a sign that read "Happy Birthday Nate."

"You guys." I said with a smile "What's all this?" I turned to Emma "You knew about that didn't you."

"Of course I did." She said with a grin

I walked towards the guys and my mom. The started singing the happy birthday song to me as if I were five years old and from the corner of my eye I saw Demi video taping the whole thing with her phone.

I blew up the candles and Stella took the cake from my mom's hands.

I hugged my mom "You didn't need to do all of this. Seriously."

"Happy brthday. And hush, of course we did. 21 is a big deal." My mom said with a smile and I nodded.

I gave both James and Chris a man hug and thanked them for the suprise. The gilrs including my mom made their way to my kitchen and we threw ourselves on a couch.

"So" James started "We heard some giggling before you guys came in. Did we cock block you or something?" He asked with a smirk.

I rolled my eyes but still smiled "Shut up man."

They totally did but I won't complain, not today.

Emma's POV

"I have to talk to you." Stella mouthed when my eyes fell on her. All color lost from her face and a nervous expression had replaced her ususal cheerful one.

"Yeah I'll take you to the bathroom Stel. Come on, follow me." I said with a smile and a little louder "Excuse us for a sec."

Mrs S, Demi and Charlotte nodded and made their way to the living room while carying the pieces of cake.

I gave Stella a curious expression but took her to where Nate's bathroom was. We got inside and I closed the door behind us.

"What's wrong?"

Stella sat on the end of the bathtub and ran a hand through her hair. "I... uhm, I-"

"Stella spit it out already."

She muttered something that I couldn't make out while looking at the floor " Excuse me, what?"

"I said Chris kissed me." She hissed blushing.

My eyes widened "What?"

"Be a little louder, will ya?"

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry." I apologised quickly "You just surprised me. What happened?" I sat on the toilet seat after closing it.

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