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That little runt of y/n is going to pay for all the damage shes done to Homeworld. Every since she brought Rose Quartz into the world shes changed everything here. I looked over to Pearl and nodded my head. The war is going to begin now.

I texted connie and told her she needed to leave the city. She called me
Steven is bold
Connie is idk w.e this is called

Steven im going to fight with you guys!
What?! No connie you can seriously get hurt. I cant risk losing you.
Steven please! I cant risk losing you either!
Alright I will pick you up in about 30 mins.
I ended the call and I explained to the gems and mom what I was about to do. *SKIP TO CONNIES HOUSE*
"Steven!" Yelled connie. I waved hi and went to talk with her parents my plan. When I was done i grabbed Connie's hand and we fused, I walked over to mom and she smiled. "Woah steve thats your mom?!" Connie said in our head. "Yeah!" I said. *skip to where the war is taking place.* I unfused with connie and grabbed her hand. I looked at her straight in the eyes and hugged her. "I will miss you, never forget me." "What do you mean?" She asked. I bubbled her She was banging on the bubbles surface. "Steven let me out!" "I love you connie, you will always be my friend." And I bubbled her into her parents car.
I was no longer in Stevens bubble but in my parents car. "Im sorry sweetie we couldn't risk leaving you behind." My mom said. "YOU GUYS KNEW AND DIDNT TELL ME?!" I yelled with tears in my eyes. "it was stevens idea and i couldn't say no." I looked out the window to see Steven crying and waving goodbye. I was sobbing and hitting the window. "GUYS LET ME OUT MOM DAD PLEASE LET ME OUT I NEED TO HELP STEVEN AND THE GEMS!" I sobbed in my hands and layed down. I cried until I fell asleep.
We have beeb fighting for about 3 hours and we were no were the war ending soon. I heard Rose yelling at Garnet yo fuse with here and for Pearl to fuse with Amethyst. "Steven fuse with y/n now!" me and steven fused and we are huge and very strong. *time skip*
We were tired but so close to victory! We were fighting when Yellow Diamond came and tried to hit me. "Your the reason for all this mess y/n!" She yelled. I hit her with the weapon me and steven have. She summoned her weapon and hit me on the side with it. I groaned and fell on my knees and me and steven were about to defuse. "Keep it together y/n!" Steven yelled. I shook my head and me and Yellow Diamond fought until I had her under my foot.
HELLO wow are you guys?? Stay slaying 😛💕

If I got Locked Away? Garnet X ReaderTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon