“Its Claire sir”


“What a lovely name! So dear this is Robert our photographer. We’re going to do some testing shoots alright? “

I nodded my head.

We started to take some pictures but they didn’t turn out the way I wanted. They told me to loosen up but I just couldn’t. I was too nervous!

Albert stopped the shoot and told me to calm down and relax. I sat down. I was breathing heavily. I cant believe I blew it. My only chance of becoming a model is over. Than came a boy with beer in his hand and asked Albert how the shoot was going. I looked closely to him and he looked at me.

Oh dear...


He’s a model? No wonder he had gorgeous girl friends. Albert pointed at me told him a few things. Then he looked at me for a few minutes and said something to Albert.

Albert told me to come closer to him.


“Look Claire the photo shoot today didn’t turn out the way we wanted. I just want you to know that you should feel calm and free. I want to give you a second chance. I know a model when I see one. I think you have the potential to be one. I want you to come again and try your luck one more time alright!”

I said ok and thanked him.

I got home. I was happy and sad at the same time. But mostly I was happy. I cant believe I saw him again and got a second chance. Don’t blow this Claire! Just don’t!


“You go girl!!”

“Claire you are amazing! Smile a little bit more!”

Robert said to me.

He said I was great! Also Albert looked at me as if he was amazed!

They told me to wait for a few minutes outside so that they can mae a desicion about my photographs.

I got outside, took out a cigarette and started to smoke.

“I really like the pictures” a voice said. It was a really calming voice. It was a girl’s voice. I turned around and saw him. Wait… does he have a girly voice?


“Sorry was it you that said that?”

“It was!” he said. He literally has a girl’s voice tone.

“I’m Erika” he continued.  Isnt Erika a girl name? I'm a bit confused.


“Im Claire. Nice to meet you.”


“So you really want to be a model” He took out a cigarette and started to smoke as well.


“Yes! Its been a dream of mine since I was little!”


“Well its not easy. It takes time and practice. But I hope you become a model. Good luck!”


“Thanks Erika!”

They called me back inside. I threw my cigarette away and went to Albert’s desk.


“Look sweetheart. You were amazing. Your smile, eyes and nose are perfect. Im sorry to say this but your weight isn’t appropriate. Also dear you need training. You cant walk. I’m sorry. I really am!

I stated to cry. I cant believe it. And they told me I was doing great. Erika was next to me. He looked at me with his deep blue eyes.


“I’ll help her.”


“What? You have loads of things to do Erika! You don’t have any free time to take care of someone weight problems and give her extra training”


“I have plenty of time Albert. I’m going to make her the best they’ve ever seen!”

Albert didn’t say anything. He just walked away.

Me and Erika got out of the studio.


“Be ready at the Tanya Training Saloon at 5pm tomorrow.”

I just nodded my head. He softly touched my check and walked away…

Authors note: Sorry it took my a while to upload the new chapter. I’m really busy with my exams and training and everything. Thanks for readying. Hope to upload soon. Stay safe ^_^

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2014 ⏰

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