Into the Kiln

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"Its name is Experiment 65921, but calls itself SilverStar. Its species comes from the planet Okami. Height is 5" 11 weight 168 lbs. Is mentally and physically insane/unstable"

"I can hear you, ya badger-faced mouse-brains. I'm a she-wolf. I'm an Alpha for StarBounds sake."

"She murdered over 150 people, is a universe renowned thief, and a illegal cybernetic experiment. Her bones, teeth, and claws are made of the strongest metal in the universe and she can speak every known and unknown language. Her IQ is 257. She is a 10 on the 1-10 scale. Her status is run on sight."

"Damn right I am now stop talking about me like I'm not here. The reader knows enough. If you tell them everything they won't get a good story you mouse-brained furless."


This is done on a tablet so yeah. There may be some mistakes but wateves. Now my user my be a neko but I will use whatever species my oc is.

Bye my White wolves.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2016 ⏰

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