Chapter 2: The Green Eyes

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I wake up to my alarm which is set to the song "Defying Gravity" from the Broadway show "Wicked". Wicked is my favorite Broadway show, I've seen it about 6 times with my aunt. Actually, the 5th time we went to see the show was when I fell in love with NYU. We passed by it on our way to our hotel. Ever since I saw the beautiful campus, placed so perfectly in easily the best city in the world, I knew I had to be a part of it.
   I quickly slip on a purple v-neck, jeans, and converse. Still half asleep, I braid my boring brown hair, and run downstairs. I see Claire had already starting eating, even though I start school a half hour earlier, she wakes up at the crack of dawn. All of a sudden I hear an all to familiar voice followed by a car horn, "Val, hurry up! We are gonna be late!". That voice belongs to my best friend Mavis. She always insists on driving me to school ever since she got her new car...she loves the attention. Losing track of time, I snatch an apple and run outside to catch "The Mavis Bus".
"I swear next time your late...I'm seriously going to leave you!", Mavis said trying to tease me. I know she would never do that though, she's the most loyal person I know. We've been friends since as long as I can remember, and she's the only one who puts up with my crazy life. Sometimes I think I don't deserve to be friends with someone as great as her, but she always reassures me that I'm stuck with her.
As we pull up at school, I notice Principal Johnson waiting outside.
"Morning Girls!", Principal Johnson says greeting us at the door.
"He must be waiting for someone.", Mavis whispers. Mavis was probably right, there are always inspectors and important visitors around, but usually not this early in the school year. It was October 2 and the some freshman haven't even learned where their classes are yet. Forgetting the thought, Mavis and I went to class.
  Mavis and I only have two classes together, Italian and History...and lunch. I am in all AP classes, and she's only in AP History...the one subject she's good in.
"Well, see ya in 3rd period!", she says waving her hand behind her as she leaves for class.
   I go to my first subject, chemistry. The class was normal; same elements poster on the board, same lazy lab partner Brad, and same wacky Mrs. Newman. The only difference was midway through the class there was a knock at the door, it was Principal Johnson. "Hello class I would like you to meet the newest member of our school Nate Bridges. His family just moved here from Connecticut. Now he might be a little behind on the material, but he knows he can ask for help and you all will make him feel welcome!", Principal Johnson gestured his hand to an open seat, nodded, and left the class. As the kid goes to take a seat in the back of the class, he doesn't stop staring at me...creep. Even though he's in the last row of tables and I'm towards the front, I can feel his green eyes staring at the back of my head. The kid is staring at me like he's known me for years, but I clearly haven't seen him before.
   Just my luck, the kid is in all of my classes and continues to stare at me with his green eyes like we are long-time best friends. I tell Mavis the whole deal at lunch and all she can say is how I should "get with him" and how hot he is. Then I give her the look of, "what are you...stupid?", and she rolls her eyes.  "Are you ever going to date someone? Or will I have to house you and your 10 cats?", she says annoyed.
"They are all distractions.", I respond taking a bite of my sandwich.
"Even him?", she nods in the direction of Will Chambers the school's  quarterback.
"I'm sorry have you forgotten my rule?Especially him!". Mavis rolls her eyes again. People usually have an issue dating someone who smokes, drinks, is messy, or as Mavis says,"the normal stuff". I have an issue with football players. So much in fact, that I made a promise to myself that I will never date one...ever! They are always so full of themselves and think the world belongs to them because they scored a stupid touchdown. They are the biggest distraction of all.

Author's Note:
Hey people! Hope you liked the chapter! It's just heating up and getting good. Keep reading!! Don't forget to comment, share, and vote on the book!
Till next time,

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