Chapter 1

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All character belong to HeichousPancakes. However, the story itself is based off of the Tumblr post shown.


December 24th, 2470


Rai had never really been a believer of making wishes on stars. It was silly, child's play to think that your wish would come true if you told it to a burning ball of fire that was millions of miles away. Not until recently had she started to believe it.

She had just finished turning on all of the fairy lights that were strung up on the roof of her bungalow before heading inside. The sun was just beginning to set and all throughout the neighborhood, the lights were being powered on. Rai grabbed her steaming cup of coffee off the dining table before standing on the large glass and metal deck at the back of her house.

An array of blue, purple, pink, and orange coloured the sky down the the horizon as the sun peered over the hills for it's last few minutes. She looked up. They were dim but small dots began to appear across the darkening sky. The moon Artemis began to reveal herself in the east as Lune began to show himself in the west, bringing clusters of stars along with them.

Rai closed her eyes, taking in the strong smell of slightly burnt coffee, enjoying the warmth in her hands when there was a flash. Her eyes snapped open. But there was nothing around her except blackness.

The warmth vanished from her hands, the smell faded away. There was nothing. She opened her mouth to release a cry for help but no sound came out.

She was in a void.

All of a sudden, there was a voice. A young man's voice. "Rai."

She turned around, trying to find the railing of the deck, trying to grab something real. The ground gave out from under her and she fell. She flipped through the darkness, grabbing for anything she could, trying to scream, but there was nothing, nothing tangible, nothing audible.

"Rai, calm down," the voice said. She wanted to yell. Yell every single curse word she could think of.

How the hell do you expect me to calm down, she thought, flailing through the abyss, trying to see.

"Rai, please. The sooner you stop struggling, the sooner you will see."

She furrowed her brow before slowly relaxing. She had no idea who the owner of the voice was or whether she could trust them. But if not struggling was going to make the darkness go away, she was most certainly going to try.

There was another flash of white light and she fell into a room, stopping just feet above the ground. She blinked, the light blurring her vision and making her wince. She was pulled upright and set on the ground.

"Are you alright?" the voice asked. But it was closer, it echoed less, it was right in front of her. Rai fell backwards on her butt, violently rubbing her eyes, the light giving her a headache.

"No. No I'm not," she spat.

Her eyes adjusted and in front of her stood a young man in a sleek white suit. His hair was completely white, his eyes a cool blue. "Here," he smiled gently, holding out his hand for Rai to take.

Her gaze shifted from his face to his hand. "Screw you." She smacked his hand. "Take me home, right now."

"Hmm, that won't do," he said, rubbing his hand. "You see Rai, I'm afraid I cannot take you home until you make a wish."

Rai stared at him before laughing. "A wish?" she asked, laughing until her face turned red and her eyes watered.

He cocked his head to the side. "Yes, a wish," he said, "Until you wish upon a star, you are not allowed to go home."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2016 ⏰

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