The start of SUMMER!!

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A/N: This story is gonna be more like the show. But it will definitely drift away from being like the show.
Gideon POV
"Robbie go hang these signs in the forest." Uncle Bud said. "I would but I-I can't reach." "I would fire all of you if u could, Gideon go hang these signs." "But, Uncle Bud whenever I'm in that forest I feel like I'm being watched!" "It's all in your head kid all in your head." He said tapping my head. I have a very weird uncle. "Fine!" I grab the signs and walk out the door.

**time skip to the part where he's about to find the journal**
"GID!!" WE WERE SO WORRIED ABOUT YOU!!" I hear Paz scream and I get tackled into a bear hug. I pushed her off me and she accidentally hit her head "Ohmygosh Paz are you alright." She rubbed her head and stood up"The tree it's metal!" "Your crazy." She walked up to a tree and pulled the branch....

Sorry for da short chapter next one will be longer. Promise. BYE YALL!!

Pink & Teal(A reverse Dipcifica story Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora