Kiba-It Was You

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Name: Dysuki-Lin

Personality: Loving, outgoing funny,

Looks: She's around 5'8, she has long silver hair with blue red and purple highlights, a black tube top with long sleeves, camouflage ninja pants, black ninja shoes

~~~~~~~~~~~~~STORY BEGINS~~~~~~~~~~~~~

                “Dysuki-Lin”!!! “Huh” I said turning to see who called me, Kiba. “Yes what do you want Puppy Dog”? “Why do you call me that and I wanted to know if you were coming to the party at Sakura’s house”. “But don’t have to have a date” I asked totally skipping his first question? “Yea you do”. “Wait that doesn't make sense, if Sakura is hosting the party then who is her date”? “Somehow she got Sauske to be her date”. “O ok I gotcha now. It’s tomorrow right” I asked? “Yep” he replied.

                Kiba is my best friend and I think I kind of like him but he would never like me. I want to ask him to the party but I don’t him to reject me. I wonder what I will wear tomorrow but I probably won’t go. “Hey Hinata wait for me” I say catching up with her. “Hey Dysuki-Lin who are you going with to the party”. “I don’t know, no one has asked me nor have I asked anyone, what about you Hinata?” “O I am going with Naruto he asked me yesterday”. “Lucky” I said.

                So I said good-bye to Hinata and went to my house. I picked out another black tube top with long sleeves and a black skirt that stopped above my knees and fish net leggings. And I sat the outfit aside for tomorrow with my black ninja shoes. I sat on my bed thinking of how I would probably not get a date. Then there was a knock at my front door. “I’LL GET IT I YELLED FROM MY ROOM” (shake it up much XD) I opened the door to see Kiba. “Yes” I said. “Can I talk to you in your room?” “I guess” I said leading him into my room.

                “What’s up?” “O um I wanted to just talk to you about the party” Kiba said. “Go ahead and tell me”. “I was wondering if you wanted to go with Me.?” “YAY OF COURSE AND why did you ask me?” “I….. Um…. It was you”. “What do you mean?” “It has always been you, you have been there for me and your smile is just so cute but I never had the gut to ask you”. “Really I thought you were going to reject me so I never asked you”. “O well now you know I wasn’t oh and I will come get you at 8” he said kissing me on the cheek leaving my room. Wow did my crush a.k.a Kiba just kiss me I thought falling on my bed.

                ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ NEXT DAY AT THE PARTY ~~~~~~~~~~~

                Kiba came and got me on time and we walked to the party. “Um Kiba why aren’t you dancing” I said? “I’m thinking about a way to say something”. “Oh well dance and think about that later” I said pulling him off the couch to dance with everyone else. We were dancing and I saw Sakura grinding on Sauske. “What happened to Sasuke” I asked Kiba? “I don’t know and I don’t want to know”. “Me either” I told him.

                Soon after we were done dancing the party ended. Me and Kiba walked home silent until he got to my door. “Dysuki-Lin I think I got how to say it”. “Oh you were going to say it to me” I said. “Yea… I was wondering if you wanted to be my girlfriend?” “Yea Kiba”…..then he kissed me on the lips this time.  It wasn’t that long though. “Bye Kiba” I said when we separated and I went into my house. I did cartwheels all the way to my bed.


Wooo whooo go Shippo

Yall know the routine





My Book of Naruto One Shots!!!!!Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt